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Represents an Outlook Message format document.


Name Type Description Notes
MessageBody string Message text [optional]
ClientSubmitTime DateTime? Date and time the message sender submitted a message.
ConversationTopic string Topic of the first message in a conversation thread. [optional]
DeliveryTime DateTime? Date and time a message was delivered.
DisplayBcc string List of the display names of any blind carbon copy (BCC) message recipients, separated by semicolons (;). [optional]
DisplayCc string List of the display names of any carbon copy (CC) message recipients, separated by semicolons (;). [optional]
DisplayName string Display name for the message. [optional]
DisplayNamePrefix string Prefix of the display name. [optional]
DisplayTo string List of the display names of the primary (To) message recipients, separated by semicolons (;). [optional]
Flags List<string> Message flags. Items: Mapi message flags. Enum, available values: MsgFlagZero, MsgFlagRead, MsgFlagUnmodified, MsgFlagSubmit, MsgFlagUnsent, MsgFlagHasAttach, MsgFlagFromMe, MsgFlagAssociated, MsgFlagResend, MsgFlagNotifyRead, MsgFlagNotifyUnread, MsgFlagEverRead, MsgFlagOriginX400, MsgFlagOriginInternet, MsgFlagOriginMiscExt [optional]
Headers Dictionary<string, string> Transport message headers [optional]
InternetMessageId string Internet message id of the message. [optional]
MessageFormat string Represents outlook message format. Enum, available values: Ascii, Unicode
NormalizedSubject string Normalized subject of the message. [optional]
ReadReceiptRequested bool? Value indicating whether the read receipt is requested.
ReplyTo string Reply to names. [optional]
SenderAddressType string Message sender's e-mail address type. [optional]
SenderEmailAddress string Message sender's e-mail address. [optional]
SenderName string Message sender's display name. [optional]
SenderSmtpAddress string Message sender's e-mail address. [optional]
SentRepresentingAddressType string Address type for the messaging user represented by the sender. [optional]
SentRepresentingEmailAddress string E-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender. [optional]
SentRepresentingName string Display name for the messaging user represented by the sender. [optional]
SentRepresentingSmtpAddress string E-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender. [optional]
TransportMessageHeaders string Transport-specific message envelope information. [optional]

Parent class: MapiMessageItemBaseDto
