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Request model for EmailCloud.Client.Message.List method.


Name Type Description Notes
folder string A folder in email account
account string Email account
queryString string A MailQuery search string [optional]
storage string Storage name where account file located [optional]
accountStorageFolder string Folder in storage where account file located [optional]
recursive bool? Specifies that should message be searched in subfolders recursively [optional] [default to false]
type string MailMessageBase type. Using this property you can get messages in different formats (as EmailDto, MapiMessageDto or a file represented as Base64 string). Enum, available values: Dto, Mapi, Base64 [optional] [default to 0]
format string Base64 data format. Used only if type is set to Base64. Enum, available values: Eml, Msg, MsgUnicode, Mhtml, Html, Tnef, Oft [optional] [default to 0]
