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Specify optional telephone numbers for the contact.


Name Type Description Notes
IsEmpty bool? Shows if MapiContactTelephonePropertySet is empty
DefaultTelephoneNumber string Default value of electronic address Uses when user does not set any electronic address if UseAutocomplete property is set 'true' [optional]
UseAutocomplete bool? Indicates that one electronic address is completed automatically in case if user does not set any electronic address
CallbackTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the callback telephone number [optional]
BusinessTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the business telephone number [optional]
HomeTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the home telephone number [optional]
PrimaryTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the primary telephone number [optional]
Business2TelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the second business telephone number [optional]
MobileTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the mobile telephone number [optional]
RadioTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the radio telephone number [optional]
CarTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the car telephone number [optional]
OtherTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets an alternate telephone number [optional]
AssistantTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the telephone number of the contact's assistant [optional]
Home2TelephoneNumber string Gets or sets a second home telephone number [optional]
TtyTddPhoneNumber string Gets or sets the telephone number for the contact's text telephone (TTY) or telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) [optional]
CompanyMainTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets the company phone number [optional]
TelexNumber string Gets or sets the telex number [optional]
IsdnNumber string Gets or sets the integrated services digital network (ISDN) number [optional]
PagerTelephoneNumber string Gets or sets a pager telephone number [optional]