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Represents the mapi calendar time zone rule.


Name Type Description Notes
Bias int? Time zone's offset in minutes from UTC.
DaylightBias int? Offset in minutes from lBias during daylight saving time.
DaylightDate MapiCalendarTimeZoneRuleDto Date and local time that indicate when to begin using the DaylightBias. [optional]
StandardBias int? Offset in minutes from lBias during standard time.
StandardDate MapiCalendarTimeZoneRuleDto Date and local time that indicate when to begin using the StandardBias. [optional]
TimeZoneFlags List<string> Individual bit flags that specify information about this TimeZoneRule. Items: Enumerates the individual bit flags that specify information about TimeZoneRule. Enum, available values: TzRuleFlagRecurCurrentTzReg, TzRuleFlagEffectiveTzReg [optional]
Year int? Year in which this rule is scheduled to take effect.