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Represents the mapi calendar object


Name Type Description Notes
AppointmentCounterProposal bool? Value indicating whether a Meeting Response object is a counter proposal.
Attendees MapiCalendarAttendeesDto Attendees [optional]
BusyStatus string Enumerates the mapi calendar possible busy status. Enum, available values: Free, Tentative, Busy, OutOfOffice
ClientIntent List<string> Actions the user has taken on this Meeting object. Items: Enumerates the actions the user can taken on the Meeting object. Enum, available values: Manager, Delegate, DeletedWithNoResponse, DeletedExceptionWithNoResponse, RespondedTentative, RespondedAccept, RespondedDecline, ModifiedStartTime, ModifiedEndTime, ModifiedLocation, RespondedExceptionDecline, Canceled, ExceptionCanceled [optional]
EndDate DateTime? End date and time of the event. If the date is not set, default value for DateTime is returned.
EndDateTimeZone MapiCalendarTimeZoneDto Time zone information that indicates the time zone of the EndDate property. [optional]
IsAllDay bool? Value indicating whether the event is an all-day event.
KeyWords string Categories of the calendar object. [optional]
Location string Location of the event. [optional]
Recurrence MapiCalendarEventRecurrenceDto Recurrence properties. [optional]
ReminderDelta int? Interval, in minutes, between the time at which the reminder first becomes overdue and the start time of the Calendar object.
ReminderFileParameter string Full path of the sound that a client SHOULD play when the reminder becomes overdue. [optional]
ReminderSet bool? Value indicating whether a reminder is set on the object.
Sequence int? Sequence number.
StartDate DateTime? Start date and time of the event. If the date is not set, default value for DateTime is returned.
StartDateTimeZone MapiCalendarTimeZoneDto Time zone information that indicates the time zone of the StartDate property. [optional]
Uid string Unique identifier. [optional]
Organizer MapiElectronicAddressDto Organizer [optional]

Parent class: MapiMessageItemBaseDto
