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iCalendar document representation.


Name Type Description Notes
Attachments List<Attachment> Document attachments. [optional]
Attendees List<MailAddress> Event attendees.
Description string Description. [optional]
EndDate DateTime? End date.
EndTimeZone string End time zone. [optional]
Flags List<string> Appointment flags. Items: Enumerates iCalendar flags. Enum, available values: None, AllDayEvent [optional]
IsDescriptionHtml bool? Indicates if description is in HTML format.
Location string Location.
Method string Defines the iCalendar object method type associated with the calendar document. Enum, available values: None, Publish, Request, Reply, Add, Cancel, Refresh, Counter, DeclineCounter
MicrosoftBusyStatus string Specifies the BUSY status. Enum, available values: NotDefined, Free, Tentative, Busy, Oof
MicrosoftIntendedStatus string Specifies the INTENDED status. Enum, available values: NotDefined, Free, Tentative, Busy, Oof
OptionalAttendees List<MailAddress> Optional attendees. [optional]
Organizer MailAddress Event organizer.
RecurrenceString string Deprecated, use 'Recurrence' property. String representation of recurrence pattern (See iCalendar RFC, &quot;Recurrence rule&quot; section). For example: For daily recurrence: &quot;FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10;WKST=MO&quot; For monthly recurrence: &quot;BYSETPOS=1;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR;FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=10;WKST=MO&quot; For yearly recurrence: &quot;BYMONTHDAY=30;BYMONTH=1;FREQ=YEARLY;WKST=MO&quot; [optional]
Recurrence RecurrencePatternDto Recurrence pattern [optional]
Reminders List<CalendarReminder> Reminders. [optional]
SequenceId string The sequence id. Read only. [optional]
StartDate DateTime? Start date.
StartTimeZone string Start time zone. [optional]
Status string Defines the overall status or confirmation for the calendar document. Enum, available values: NotDefined, Cancelled, Tentative, Confirmed
Summary string Summary. [optional]
Transparency string Specifies whether or not this appointment is intended to be visible in availability searches. Enum, available values: NotDefined, Transparent, Opaque
Class string Defines the access classification for the calendar. Enum, available values: Public, Private, Confidential, NotDefined
MicrosoftImportance string Specifies the importance of a calendar object. Enum, available values: Low, Normal, High, NotDefined
