Represents an API error.
This class is used in WordsApiErrorResponse.
The following properties are defined:
Property | Type | Description |
Code | string | Gets or sets the API error code. |
DateTime | DateTime | Gets or sets the server DateTime. |
Description | string | Gets or sets the error description. |
Message | string | Gets or sets the error message. |
Provides information on the Words API resource link.
This class is inherited from Link and used in Bookmark, Bookmarks, Border, BordersCollection, Comment, CommentLink, CommentsCollection, CustomXmlPart, CustomXmlPartInsert, CustomXmlPartLink, CustomXmlPartsCollection, CustomXmlPartUpdate, DocumentProperties, DocumentProperty, DrawingObject, DrawingObjectCollection, DrawingObjectLink, Field, FieldCollection, FieldLink, FieldNames, Font, Footnote, FootnoteCollection, FootnoteLink, FormField, FormFieldCheckbox, FormFieldCollection, FormFieldDropDown, FormFieldTextInput, HeaderFooter, HeaderFooterLink, HeaderFooterLinkCollection, Hyperlink, Hyperlinks, LinkElement, ListFormat, ListInfo, ListLevel, ListLevels, Lists, NodeLink, OfficeMathLink, OfficeMathObject, OfficeMathObjectsCollection, PageSetup, Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, ParagraphFormatBase, ParagraphFormatUpdate, ParagraphLink, ParagraphLinkCollection, Run, RunLink, Runs, SearchResultsCollection, Section, SectionLink, SectionLinkCollection, Style, Table, TableCell, TableCellFormat, TableLink, TableLinkCollection, TableProperties, TableRow, TableRowFormat.
The following properties are defined:
Property | Type | Description |
Href | string | Gets or sets the “href” attribute with the link’s IRI. atom:link elements MUST have an href attribute, whose value MUST be a IRI reference. |
Rel | string | Gets or sets the option that controls whether atom:link elements MAY have a “rel” attribute that indicates the link relation type. If the “rel” attribute is not present, the link element MUST be interpreted as if the link relation type is “alternate”. |
Title | string | Gets or sets the “title” attribute, that conveys human-readable information about the link. The content of the “title” attribute is Language-Sensitive. |
Type | string | Gets or sets the “type” attribute. The “type” attribute’s value is an advisory media type: it is a hint about the type of the representation that is expected to be returned when the value of the href attribute is dereferenced. Note that the type attribute does not override the actual media type returned with the representation. |
Represents a REST response with an error.
The following properties are defined:
Property | Type | Description |
RequestId | string | Gets or sets the request Id. |
Error | ApiError | Gets or sets the API error. |
Represents an API exception.
An object of the ApiException class is created by the following constructor methods:
- ApiException(int errorCode, string message)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
errorCode | int | The error code. |
message | string | The message. |
A single ErrorCode
property is defined:
Property | Type | Description |
ErrorCode | int | Error code. |
Represents a set of configuration settings.
The following properties are defined:
Property | Type | Description |
ApiBaseUrl | string | Aspose.Words for Cloud API base URL. |
ClientId | string | Gets or sets the client id. |
ClientSecret | string | Gets or sets the client secret. |
Timeout | int | Gets or sets a request timeout in seconds. Default is 100 seconds. |
Modulus | string | Gets or sets RSA encryptor modulus as base64 string. |
Exponent | string | Gets or sets RSA encryptor expoenent as base64 string. |
AuthType | AuthType | Authentication type. Default is OAuth 2.0 |
Aspose.Words for Cloud API.
An object of the WordsApi class is created by the following constructor methods:
- WordsApi(string clientId, string clientSecret)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
clientId | string | The client id. |
clientSecret | string | The client secret. |
- WordsApi(Configuration configuration)
- RevisionsModificationResponse AcceptAllRevisions(AcceptAllRevisionsRequest request) - accepts all revisions in the document.
- AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineResponse AcceptAllRevisionsOnline(AcceptAllRevisionsOnlineRequest request) - accepts all revisions in the document.
- DocumentResponse AppendDocument(AppendDocumentRequest request) - appends documents to the original document.
- AppendDocumentOnlineResponse AppendDocumentOnline(AppendDocumentOnlineRequest request) - appends documents to the original document.
- WordsResponse ApplyStyleToDocumentElement(ApplyStyleToDocumentElementRequest request) - applies a style to the document node.
- ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineResponse ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnline(ApplyStyleToDocumentElementOnlineRequest request) - applies a style to the document node.
- object Batch(BatchPartRequest[] requests) - batch request.
- object Batch(bool displayIntermediateResults, BatchPartRequest[] requests)- batch request.
- DocumentResponse BuildReport(BuildReportRequest request) - executes the report generation process using the specified document template and the external data source in XML, JSON or CSV format.
- Stream BuildReportOnline(BuildReportOnlineRequest request) - executes the report generation process online using the specified document template and the external data source in XML, JSON or CSV format.
- ClassificationResponse Classify(ClassifyRequest request) - runs a multi-class text classification for the specified raw text.
- ClassificationResponse ClassifyDocument(ClassifyDocumentRequest request) - runs a multi-class text classification for the document.
- ClassificationResponse ClassifyDocumentOnline(ClassifyDocumentOnlineRequest request) - runs a multi-class text classification for the document.
- DocumentResponse CompareDocument(CompareDocumentRequest request) - compares two documents.
- CompareDocumentOnlineResponse CompareDocumentOnline(CompareDocumentOnlineRequest request) - compares two documents.
- Stream ConvertDocument(ConvertDocumentRequest request) - converts a document on a local drive to the specified format.
- Task CopyFile(CopyFileRequest request) - copy file.
- Task CopyFolder(CopyFolderRequest request) - copy folder.
- StyleResponse CopyStyle(CopyStyleRequest request) - makes a copy of the style in the document.
- CopyStyleOnlineResponse CopyStyleOnline(CopyStyleOnlineRequest request) - makes a copy of the style in the document.
- DocumentResponse CreateDocument(CreateDocumentRequest request) - supported extensions: “.doc”, “.docx”, “.docm”, “.dot”, “.dotm”, “.dotx”, “.flatopc”, “.fopc”, “.flatopc_macro”, “.fopc_macro”, “.flatopc_template”, “.fopc_template”, “.flatopc_template_macro”, “.fopc_template_macro”, “.wordml”, “.wml”, “.rtf”.
- Task CreateFolder(CreateFolderRequest request) - create the folder.
- DocumentPropertyResponse CreateOrUpdateDocumentProperty(CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyRequest request) - adds a new or updates an existing document property.
- CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineResponse CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnline(CreateOrUpdateDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest request) - adds a new or updates an existing document property.
- TabStopsResponse DeleteAllParagraphTabStops(DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsRequest request) - removes paragraph tab stops from the document node.
- DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineResponse DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnline(DeleteAllParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest request) - removes paragraph tab stops from the document node.
- BorderResponse DeleteBorder(DeleteBorderRequest request) - the ‘nodePath’ parameter should refer to a paragraph, a cell or a row.
- DeleteBorderOnlineResponse DeleteBorderOnline(DeleteBorderOnlineRequest request) - removes a border from the document node.
- BordersResponse DeleteBorders(DeleteBordersRequest request) - the ‘nodePath’ parameter should refer to a paragraph, a cell or a row.
- DeleteBordersOnlineResponse DeleteBordersOnline(DeleteBordersOnlineRequest request) - removes borders from the document node.
- Task DeleteComment(DeleteCommentRequest request) - removes a comment from the document.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteCommentOnline(DeleteCommentOnlineRequest request) - removes a comment from the document.
- Task DeleteComments(DeleteCommentsRequest request) - removes all comments from the document.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteCommentsOnline(DeleteCommentsOnlineRequest request) - removes all comments from the document.
- Task DeleteCustomXmlPart(DeleteCustomXmlPartRequest request) - removes the custom xml part from the document.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteCustomXmlPartOnline(DeleteCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest request) - removes the custom xml part from the document.
- Task DeleteCustomXmlParts(DeleteCustomXmlPartsRequest request) - removes all custom xml parts from the document.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnline(DeleteCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest request) - removes all custom xml parts from the document.
- Task DeleteDocumentProperty(DeleteDocumentPropertyRequest request) - removes a document property.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteDocumentPropertyOnline(DeleteDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest request) - removes a document property.
- Task DeleteDrawingObject(DeleteDrawingObjectRequest request) - removes a DrawingObject from the document node.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteDrawingObjectOnline(DeleteDrawingObjectOnlineRequest request) - removes a DrawingObject from the document node.
- Task DeleteField(DeleteFieldRequest request) - removes a field from the document node.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteFieldOnline(DeleteFieldOnlineRequest request) - removes a field from the document node.
- Task DeleteFields(DeleteFieldsRequest request) - removes fields from the document node.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteFieldsOnline(DeleteFieldsOnlineRequest request) - removes fields from the document node.
- Task DeleteFile(DeleteFileRequest request) - delete file.
- Task DeleteFolder(DeleteFolderRequest request) - delete folder.
- Task DeleteFootnote(DeleteFootnoteRequest request) - removes a footnote from the document node.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteFootnoteOnline(DeleteFootnoteOnlineRequest request) - removes a footnote from the document node.
- Task DeleteFormField(DeleteFormFieldRequest request) - removes a form field from the document node.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteFormFieldOnline(DeleteFormFieldOnlineRequest request) - removes a form field from the document node.
- Task DeleteHeaderFooter(DeleteHeaderFooterRequest request) - removes a HeaderFooter object from the document section.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteHeaderFooterOnline(DeleteHeaderFooterOnlineRequest request) - removes a HeaderFooter object from the document section.
- Task DeleteHeadersFooters(DeleteHeadersFootersRequest request) - removes HeaderFooter objects from the document section.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteHeadersFootersOnline(DeleteHeadersFootersOnlineRequest request) - removes HeaderFooter objects from the document section.
- Task DeleteMacros(DeleteMacrosRequest request) - removes macros from the document.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteMacrosOnline(DeleteMacrosOnlineRequest request) - removes macros from the document.
- Task DeleteOfficeMathObject(DeleteOfficeMathObjectRequest request) - removes an OfficeMath object from the document node.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnline(DeleteOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest request) - removes an OfficeMath object from the document node.
- Task DeleteParagraph(DeleteParagraphRequest request) - removes a paragraph from the document node.
- ParagraphListFormatResponse DeleteParagraphListFormat(DeleteParagraphListFormatRequest request) - removes the formatting properties of a paragraph list from the document node.
- DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse DeleteParagraphListFormatOnline(DeleteParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest request) - removes the formatting properties of a paragraph list from the document node.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteParagraphOnline(DeleteParagraphOnlineRequest request) - removes a paragraph from the document node.
- TabStopsResponse DeleteParagraphTabStop(DeleteParagraphTabStopRequest request) - removes a paragraph tab stop from the document node.
- DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse DeleteParagraphTabStopOnline(DeleteParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest request) - removes a paragraph tab stop from the document node.
- Task DeleteRun(DeleteRunRequest request) - removes a Run object from the paragraph.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteRunOnline(DeleteRunOnlineRequest request) - removes a Run object from the paragraph.
- Task DeleteSection(DeleteSectionRequest request) - removes a section from the document.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteSectionOnline(DeleteSectionOnlineRequest request) - removes a section from the document.
- Task DeleteTable(DeleteTableRequest request) - removes a table from the document node.
- Task DeleteTableCell(DeleteTableCellRequest request) - removes a cell from the table row.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteTableCellOnline(DeleteTableCellOnlineRequest request) - removes a cell from the table row.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteTableOnline(DeleteTableOnlineRequest request) - removes a table from the document node.
- Task DeleteTableRow(DeleteTableRowRequest request) - removes a row from the table.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> DeleteTableRowOnline(DeleteTableRowOnlineRequest request) - removes a row from the table.
- DocumentResponse DeleteWatermark(DeleteWatermarkRequest request) - removes a watermark from the document.
- DeleteWatermarkOnlineResponse DeleteWatermarkOnline(DeleteWatermarkOnlineRequest request) - removes a watermark from the document.
- Stream DownloadFile(DownloadFileRequest request) - download file.
- string Encrypt(string data) - encrypt a string.
- DocumentResponse ExecuteMailMerge(ExecuteMailMergeRequest request) - executes a Mail Merge operation.
- Stream ExecuteMailMergeOnline(ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest request) - executes a Mail Merge operation online.
- AvailableFontsResponse GetAvailableFonts(GetAvailableFontsRequest request) - reads available fonts from the document.
- BookmarkResponse GetBookmarkByName(GetBookmarkByNameRequest request) - reads a bookmark, specified by name, from the document.
- BookmarkResponse GetBookmarkByNameOnline(GetBookmarkByNameOnlineRequest request) - reads a bookmark, specified by name, from the document.
- BookmarksResponse GetBookmarks(GetBookmarksRequest request) - reads bookmarks from the document.
- BookmarksResponse GetBookmarksOnline(GetBookmarksOnlineRequest request) - reads bookmarks from the document.
- BorderResponse GetBorder(GetBorderRequest request) - the ‘nodePath’ parameter should refer to a paragraph, a cell or a row.
- BorderResponse GetBorderOnline(GetBorderOnlineRequest request) - reads a border from the document node.
- BordersResponse GetBorders(GetBordersRequest request) - reads borders from the document node.
- BordersResponse GetBordersOnline(GetBordersOnlineRequest request) - reads borders from the document node.
- CommentResponse GetComment(GetCommentRequest request) - reads a comment from the document.
- CommentResponse GetCommentOnline(GetCommentOnlineRequest request) - reads a comment from the document.
- CommentsResponse GetComments(GetCommentsRequest request) - reads comments from the document.
- CommentsResponse GetCommentsOnline(GetCommentsOnlineRequest request) - reads comments from the document.
- CustomXmlPartResponse GetCustomXmlPart(GetCustomXmlPartRequest request) - reads the custom xml part from the document.
- CustomXmlPartResponse GetCustomXmlPartOnline(GetCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest request) - reads the custom xml part from the document.
- CustomXmlPartsResponse GetCustomXmlParts(GetCustomXmlPartsRequest request) - reads custom xml parts from the document.
- CustomXmlPartsResponse GetCustomXmlPartsOnline(GetCustomXmlPartsOnlineRequest request) - reads custom xml parts from the document.
- DocumentResponse GetDocument(GetDocumentRequest request) - reads common information from the document.
- DrawingObjectResponse GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndex(GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexRequest request) - reads a DrawingObject from the document node.
- DrawingObjectResponse GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnline(GetDocumentDrawingObjectByIndexOnlineRequest request) - reads a DrawingObject from the document node.
- Stream GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageData(GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataRequest request) - reads image data of a DrawingObject from the document node.
- Stream GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnline(GetDocumentDrawingObjectImageDataOnlineRequest request) - reads image data of a DrawingObject from the document node.
- Stream GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleData(GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataRequest request) - reads OLE data of a DrawingObject from the document node.
- Stream GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnline(GetDocumentDrawingObjectOleDataOnlineRequest request) - reads OLE data of a DrawingObject from the document node.
- DrawingObjectsResponse GetDocumentDrawingObjects(GetDocumentDrawingObjectsRequest request) - reads DrawingObjects from the document node.
- DrawingObjectsResponse GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnline(GetDocumentDrawingObjectsOnlineRequest request) - reads DrawingObjects from the document node.
- FieldNamesResponse GetDocumentFieldNames(GetDocumentFieldNamesRequest request) - reads merge field names from the document.
- FieldNamesResponse GetDocumentFieldNamesOnline(GetDocumentFieldNamesOnlineRequest request) - reads merge field names from the document.
- HyperlinkResponse GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndex(GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexRequest request) - reads a hyperlink from the document.
- HyperlinkResponse GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnline(GetDocumentHyperlinkByIndexOnlineRequest request) - reads a hyperlink from the document.
- HyperlinksResponse GetDocumentHyperlinks(GetDocumentHyperlinksRequest request) - reads hyperlinks from the document.
- HyperlinksResponse GetDocumentHyperlinksOnline(GetDocumentHyperlinksOnlineRequest request) - reads hyperlinks from the document.
- DocumentPropertiesResponse GetDocumentProperties(GetDocumentPropertiesRequest request) - reads document properties.
- DocumentPropertiesResponse GetDocumentPropertiesOnline(GetDocumentPropertiesOnlineRequest request) - reads document properties.
- DocumentPropertyResponse GetDocumentProperty(GetDocumentPropertyRequest request) - reads a document property.
- DocumentPropertyResponse GetDocumentPropertyOnline(GetDocumentPropertyOnlineRequest request) - reads a document property.
- ProtectionDataResponse GetDocumentProtection(GetDocumentProtectionRequest request) - reads protection properties from the document.
- ProtectionDataResponse GetDocumentProtectionOnline(GetDocumentProtectionOnlineRequest request) - reads protection properties from the document.
- StatDataResponse GetDocumentStatistics(GetDocumentStatisticsRequest request) - reads document statistics.
- StatDataResponse GetDocumentStatisticsOnline(GetDocumentStatisticsOnlineRequest request) - reads document statistics.
- Stream GetDocumentWithFormat(GetDocumentWithFormatRequest request) - converts a document in cloud storage to the specified format.
- FieldResponse GetField(GetFieldRequest request) - reads a field from the document node.
- FieldResponse GetFieldOnline(GetFieldOnlineRequest request) - reads a field from the document node.
- FieldsResponse GetFields(GetFieldsRequest request) - reads fields from the document node.
- FieldsResponse GetFieldsOnline(GetFieldsOnlineRequest request) - reads fields from the document node.
- FilesList GetFilesList(GetFilesListRequest request) - get all files and folders within a folder.
- FootnoteResponse GetFootnote(GetFootnoteRequest request) - reads a footnote from the document node.
- FootnoteResponse GetFootnoteOnline(GetFootnoteOnlineRequest request) - reads a footnote from the document node.
- FootnotesResponse GetFootnotes(GetFootnotesRequest request) - reads footnotes from the document node.
- FootnotesResponse GetFootnotesOnline(GetFootnotesOnlineRequest request) - reads footnotes from the document node.
- FormFieldResponse GetFormField(GetFormFieldRequest request) - reads a form field from the document node.
- FormFieldResponse GetFormFieldOnline(GetFormFieldOnlineRequest request) - reads a form field from the document node.
- FormFieldsResponse GetFormFields(GetFormFieldsRequest request) - reads form fields from the document node.
- FormFieldsResponse GetFormFieldsOnline(GetFormFieldsOnlineRequest request) - reads form fields from the document node.
- HeaderFooterResponse GetHeaderFooter(GetHeaderFooterRequest request) - reads a HeaderFooter object from the document.
- HeaderFooterResponse GetHeaderFooterOfSection(GetHeaderFooterOfSectionRequest request) - reads a HeaderFooter object from the document section.
- HeaderFooterResponse GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnline(GetHeaderFooterOfSectionOnlineRequest request) - reads a HeaderFooter object from the document section.
- HeaderFooterResponse GetHeaderFooterOnline(GetHeaderFooterOnlineRequest request) - reads a HeaderFooter object from the document.
- HeaderFootersResponse GetHeaderFooters(GetHeaderFootersRequest request) - reads HeaderFooter objects from the document section.
- HeaderFootersResponse GetHeaderFootersOnline(GetHeaderFootersOnlineRequest request) - reads HeaderFooter objects from the document section.
- InfoResponse GetInfo(GetInfoRequest request) - returns application info.
- ListResponse GetList(GetListRequest request) - reads a list from the document.
- ListResponse GetListOnline(GetListOnlineRequest request) - reads a list from the document.
- ListsResponse GetLists(GetListsRequest request) - reads lists from the document.
- ListsResponse GetListsOnline(GetListsOnlineRequest request) - reads lists from the document.
- OfficeMathObjectResponse GetOfficeMathObject(GetOfficeMathObjectRequest request) - reads an OfficeMath object from the document node.
- OfficeMathObjectResponse GetOfficeMathObjectOnline(GetOfficeMathObjectOnlineRequest request) - reads an OfficeMath object from the document node.
- OfficeMathObjectsResponse GetOfficeMathObjects(GetOfficeMathObjectsRequest request) - reads OfficeMath objects from the document node.
- OfficeMathObjectsResponse GetOfficeMathObjectsOnline(GetOfficeMathObjectsOnlineRequest request) - reads OfficeMath objects from the document node.
- ParagraphResponse GetParagraph(GetParagraphRequest request) - reads a paragraph from the document node.
- ParagraphFormatResponse GetParagraphFormat(GetParagraphFormatRequest request) - reads the formatting properties of a paragraph from the document node.
- ParagraphFormatResponse GetParagraphFormatOnline(GetParagraphFormatOnlineRequest request) - reads the formatting properties of a paragraph from the document node.
- ParagraphListFormatResponse GetParagraphListFormat(GetParagraphListFormatRequest request) - reads the formatting properties of a paragraph list from the document node.
- ParagraphListFormatResponse GetParagraphListFormatOnline(GetParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest request) - reads the formatting properties of a paragraph list from the document node.
- ParagraphResponse GetParagraphOnline(GetParagraphOnlineRequest request) - reads a paragraph from the document node.
- ParagraphLinkCollectionResponse GetParagraphs(GetParagraphsRequest request) - reads paragraphs from the document node.
- ParagraphLinkCollectionResponse GetParagraphsOnline(GetParagraphsOnlineRequest request) - reads paragraphs from the document node.
- TabStopsResponse GetParagraphTabStops(GetParagraphTabStopsRequest request) - reads paragraph tab stops from the document node.
- TabStopsResponse GetParagraphTabStopsOnline(GetParagraphTabStopsOnlineRequest request) - reads paragraph tab stops from the document node.
- PublicKeyResponse GetPublicKey(GetPublicKeyRequest request) - get assymetric public key.
- RangeTextResponse GetRangeText(GetRangeTextRequest request) - reads range text from the document.
- RangeTextResponse GetRangeTextOnline(GetRangeTextOnlineRequest request) - reads range text from the document.
- RunResponse GetRun(GetRunRequest request) - reads a Run object from the paragraph.
- FontResponse GetRunFont(GetRunFontRequest request) - reads the font properties of a Run object from the paragraph.
- FontResponse GetRunFontOnline(GetRunFontOnlineRequest request) - reads the font properties of a Run object from the paragraph.
- RunResponse GetRunOnline(GetRunOnlineRequest request) - reads a Run object from the paragraph.
- RunsResponse GetRuns(GetRunsRequest request) - reads Run objects from the paragraph.
- RunsResponse GetRunsOnline(GetRunsOnlineRequest request) - reads Run objects from the paragraph.
- SectionResponse GetSection(GetSectionRequest request) - reads a section from the document.
- SectionResponse GetSectionOnline(GetSectionOnlineRequest request) - reads a section from the document.
- SectionPageSetupResponse GetSectionPageSetup(GetSectionPageSetupRequest request) - reads the page setup of a section from the document.
- SectionPageSetupResponse GetSectionPageSetupOnline(GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest request) - reads the page setup of a section from the document.
- SectionLinkCollectionResponse GetSections(GetSectionsRequest request) - reads sections from the document.
- SectionLinkCollectionResponse GetSectionsOnline(GetSectionsOnlineRequest request) - reads sections from the document.
- StyleResponse GetStyle(GetStyleRequest request) - reads a style from the document.
- StyleResponse GetStyleFromDocumentElement(GetStyleFromDocumentElementRequest request) - reads a style from the document node.
- StyleResponse GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnline(GetStyleFromDocumentElementOnlineRequest request) - reads a style from the document node.
- StyleResponse GetStyleOnline(GetStyleOnlineRequest request) - reads a style from the document.
- StylesResponse GetStyles(GetStylesRequest request) - reads styles from the document.
- StylesResponse GetStylesOnline(GetStylesOnlineRequest request) - reads styles from the document.
- TableResponse GetTable(GetTableRequest request) - reads a table from the document node.
- TableCellResponse GetTableCell(GetTableCellRequest request) - reads a cell from the table row.
- TableCellFormatResponse GetTableCellFormat(GetTableCellFormatRequest request) - reads the formatting properties of a table cell.
- TableCellFormatResponse GetTableCellFormatOnline(GetTableCellFormatOnlineRequest request) - reads the formatting properties of a table cell.
- TableCellResponse GetTableCellOnline(GetTableCellOnlineRequest request) - reads a cell from the table row.
- TableResponse GetTableOnline(GetTableOnlineRequest request) - reads a table from the document node.
- TablePropertiesResponse GetTableProperties(GetTablePropertiesRequest request) - reads properties of a table from the document node.
- TablePropertiesResponse GetTablePropertiesOnline(GetTablePropertiesOnlineRequest request) - reads properties of a table from the document node.
- TableRowResponse GetTableRow(GetTableRowRequest request) - reads a row from the table.
- TableRowFormatResponse GetTableRowFormat(GetTableRowFormatRequest request) - reads the formatting properties of a table row.
- TableRowFormatResponse GetTableRowFormatOnline(GetTableRowFormatOnlineRequest request) - reads the formatting properties of a table row.
- TableRowResponse GetTableRowOnline(GetTableRowOnlineRequest request) - reads a row from the table.
- TableLinkCollectionResponse GetTables(GetTablesRequest request) - reads tables from the document node.
- TableLinkCollectionResponse GetTablesOnline(GetTablesOnlineRequest request) - reads tables from the document node.
- CommentResponse InsertComment(InsertCommentRequest request) - inserts a new comment to the document.
- InsertCommentOnlineResponse InsertCommentOnline(InsertCommentOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new comment to the document.
- CustomXmlPartResponse InsertCustomXmlPart(InsertCustomXmlPartRequest request) - inserts a new custom xml part to the document.
- InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse InsertCustomXmlPartOnline(InsertCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new custom xml part to the document.
- DrawingObjectResponse InsertDrawingObject(InsertDrawingObjectRequest request) - inserts a new DrawingObject to the document node.
- InsertDrawingObjectOnlineResponse InsertDrawingObjectOnline(InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new DrawingObject to the document node.
- FieldResponse InsertField(InsertFieldRequest request) - inserts a new field to the document node.
- InsertFieldOnlineResponse InsertFieldOnline(InsertFieldOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new field to the document node.
- FootnoteResponse InsertFootnote(InsertFootnoteRequest request) - inserts a new footnote to the document node.
- InsertFootnoteOnlineResponse InsertFootnoteOnline(InsertFootnoteOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new footnote to the document node.
- FormFieldResponse InsertFormField(InsertFormFieldRequest request) - inserts a new form field to the document node.
- InsertFormFieldOnlineResponse InsertFormFieldOnline(InsertFormFieldOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new form field to the document node.
- HeaderFooterResponse InsertHeaderFooter(InsertHeaderFooterRequest request) - inserts a new HeaderFooter object to the document section.
- InsertHeaderFooterOnlineResponse InsertHeaderFooterOnline(InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new HeaderFooter object to the document section.
- ListResponse InsertList(InsertListRequest request) - inserts a new list to the document.
- InsertListOnlineResponse InsertListOnline(InsertListOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new list to the document.
- TabStopsResponse InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStop(InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopRequest request) - inserts a new or updates an existing paragraph tab stop in the document node.
- InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineResponse InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnline(InsertOrUpdateParagraphTabStopOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new or updates an existing paragraph tab stop in the document node.
- DocumentResponse InsertPageNumbers(InsertPageNumbersRequest request) - inserts page numbers to the document.
- InsertPageNumbersOnlineResponse InsertPageNumbersOnline(InsertPageNumbersOnlineRequest request) - inserts page numbers to the document.
- ParagraphResponse InsertParagraph(InsertParagraphRequest request) - inserts a new paragraph to the document node.
- InsertParagraphOnlineResponse InsertParagraphOnline(InsertParagraphOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new paragraph to the document node.
- RunResponse InsertRun(InsertRunRequest request) - inserts a new Run object to the paragraph.
- InsertRunOnlineResponse InsertRunOnline(InsertRunOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new Run object to the paragraph.
- StyleResponse InsertStyle(InsertStyleRequest request) - inserts a new style to the document.
- InsertStyleOnlineResponse InsertStyleOnline(InsertStyleOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new style to the document.
- TableResponse InsertTable(InsertTableRequest request) - inserts a new table to the document node.
- TableCellResponse InsertTableCell(InsertTableCellRequest request) - inserts a new cell to the table row.
- InsertTableCellOnlineResponse InsertTableCellOnline(InsertTableCellOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new cell to the table row.
- InsertTableOnlineResponse InsertTableOnline(InsertTableOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new table to the document node.
- TableRowResponse InsertTableRow(InsertTableRowRequest request) - inserts a new row to the table.
- InsertTableRowOnlineResponse InsertTableRowOnline(InsertTableRowOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new row to the table.
- DocumentResponse InsertWatermarkImage(InsertWatermarkImageRequest request) - inserts a new watermark image to the document.
- InsertWatermarkImageOnlineResponse InsertWatermarkImageOnline(InsertWatermarkImageOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new watermark image to the document.
- DocumentResponse InsertWatermarkText(InsertWatermarkTextRequest request) - inserts a new watermark text to the document.
- InsertWatermarkTextOnlineResponse InsertWatermarkTextOnline(InsertWatermarkTextOnlineRequest request) - inserts a new watermark text to the document.
- SaveResponse LoadWebDocument(LoadWebDocumentRequest request) - downloads a document from the Web using URL and saves it to cloud storage in the specified format.
- Task MoveFile(MoveFileRequest request) - move file.
- Task MoveFolder(MoveFolderRequest request) - move folder.
- Task OptimizeDocument(OptimizeDocumentRequest request) - applies document content optimization options, specific to a particular versions of Microsoft Word.
- Dictionary<string,Stream> OptimizeDocumentOnline(OptimizeDocumentOnlineRequest request) - applies document content optimization options, specific to a particular versions of Microsoft Word.
- ProtectionDataResponse ProtectDocument(ProtectDocumentRequest request) - adds protection to the document.
- ProtectDocumentOnlineResponse ProtectDocumentOnline(ProtectDocumentOnlineRequest request) - adds protection to the document.
- RevisionsModificationResponse RejectAllRevisions(RejectAllRevisionsRequest request) - rejects all revisions in the document.
- RejectAllRevisionsOnlineResponse RejectAllRevisionsOnline(RejectAllRevisionsOnlineRequest request) - rejects all revisions in the document.
- DocumentResponse RemoveRange(RemoveRangeRequest request) - removes a range from the document.
- RemoveRangeOnlineResponse RemoveRangeOnline(RemoveRangeOnlineRequest request) - removes a range from the document.
- Stream RenderDrawingObject(RenderDrawingObjectRequest request) - renders a DrawingObject to the specified format.
- Stream RenderDrawingObjectOnline(RenderDrawingObjectOnlineRequest request) - renders a DrawingObject to the specified format.
- Stream RenderMathObject(RenderMathObjectRequest request) - renders an OfficeMath object to the specified format.
- Stream RenderMathObjectOnline(RenderMathObjectOnlineRequest request) - renders an OfficeMath object to the specified format.
- Stream RenderPage(RenderPageRequest request) - renders a page to the specified format.
- Stream RenderPageOnline(RenderPageOnlineRequest request) - renders a page to the specified format.
- Stream RenderParagraph(RenderParagraphRequest request) - renders a paragraph to the specified format.
- Stream RenderParagraphOnline(RenderParagraphOnlineRequest request) - renders a paragraph to the specified format.
- Stream RenderTable(RenderTableRequest request) - renders a table to the specified format.
- Stream RenderTableOnline(RenderTableOnlineRequest request) - renders a table to the specified format.
- ReplaceTextResponse ReplaceText(ReplaceTextRequest request) - replaces text in the document.
- ReplaceTextOnlineResponse ReplaceTextOnline(ReplaceTextOnlineRequest request) - replaces text in the document.
- DocumentResponse ReplaceWithText(ReplaceWithTextRequest request) - replaces a range with text in the document.
- ReplaceWithTextOnlineResponse ReplaceWithTextOnline(ReplaceWithTextOnlineRequest request) - replaces a range with text in the document.
- Task ResetCache(ResetCacheRequest request) - clears the font cache.
- SaveResponse SaveAs(SaveAsRequest request) - converts a document in cloud storage to the specified format.
- SaveAsOnlineResponse SaveAsOnline(SaveAsOnlineRequest request) - converts a document to the specified format.
- DocumentResponse SaveAsRange(SaveAsRangeRequest request) - saves a range as a new document.
- SaveAsRangeOnlineResponse SaveAsRangeOnline(SaveAsRangeOnlineRequest request) - saves a range as a new document.
- SaveResponse SaveAsTiff(SaveAsTiffRequest request) - converts a document in cloud storage to TIFF format using detailed conversion settings.
- SaveAsTiffOnlineResponse SaveAsTiffOnline(SaveAsTiffOnlineRequest request) - converts a document to TIFF format using detailed conversion settings.
- SearchResponse Search(SearchRequest request) - searches text, specified by the regular expression, in the document.
- SearchResponse SearchOnline(SearchOnlineRequest request) - searches text, specified by the regular expression, in the document.
- SplitDocumentResponse SplitDocument(SplitDocumentRequest request) - splits a document into parts and saves them in the specified format.
- SplitDocumentOnlineResponse SplitDocumentOnline(SplitDocumentOnlineRequest request) - splits a document into parts and saves them in the specified format.
- ProtectionDataResponse UnprotectDocument(UnprotectDocumentRequest request) - removes protection from the document.
- UnprotectDocumentOnlineResponse UnprotectDocumentOnline(UnprotectDocumentOnlineRequest request) - removes protection from the document.
- BookmarkResponse UpdateBookmark(UpdateBookmarkRequest request) - updates a bookmark in the document.
- UpdateBookmarkOnlineResponse UpdateBookmarkOnline(UpdateBookmarkOnlineRequest request) - updates a bookmark in the document.
- BorderResponse UpdateBorder(UpdateBorderRequest request) - the ‘nodePath’ parameter should refer to a paragraph, a cell or a row.
- UpdateBorderOnlineResponse UpdateBorderOnline(UpdateBorderOnlineRequest request) - updates a border in the document node.
- CommentResponse UpdateComment(UpdateCommentRequest request) - updates a comment in the document.
- UpdateCommentOnlineResponse UpdateCommentOnline(UpdateCommentOnlineRequest request) - updates a comment in the document.
- CustomXmlPartResponse UpdateCustomXmlPart(UpdateCustomXmlPartRequest request) - updates the custom xml part in the document.
- UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineResponse UpdateCustomXmlPartOnline(UpdateCustomXmlPartOnlineRequest request) - updates the custom xml part in the document.
- DrawingObjectResponse UpdateDrawingObject(UpdateDrawingObjectRequest request) - updates a DrawingObject in the document node.
- UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineResponse UpdateDrawingObjectOnline(UpdateDrawingObjectOnlineRequest request) - updates a DrawingObject in the document node.
- FieldResponse UpdateField(UpdateFieldRequest request) - updates a field in the document node.
- UpdateFieldOnlineResponse UpdateFieldOnline(UpdateFieldOnlineRequest request) - updates a field in the document node.
- DocumentResponse UpdateFields(UpdateFieldsRequest request) - reevaluates field values in the document.
- UpdateFieldsOnlineResponse UpdateFieldsOnline(UpdateFieldsOnlineRequest request) - reevaluates field values in the document.
- FootnoteResponse UpdateFootnote(UpdateFootnoteRequest request) - updates a footnote in the document node.
- UpdateFootnoteOnlineResponse UpdateFootnoteOnline(UpdateFootnoteOnlineRequest request) - updates a footnote in the document node.
- FormFieldResponse UpdateFormField(UpdateFormFieldRequest request) - updates a form field in the document node.
- UpdateFormFieldOnlineResponse UpdateFormFieldOnline(UpdateFormFieldOnlineRequest request) - updates a form field in the document node.
- ListResponse UpdateList(UpdateListRequest request) - updates a list in the document.
- ListResponse UpdateListLevel(UpdateListLevelRequest request) - updates the level of a List element in the document.
- UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse UpdateListLevelOnline(UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest request) - updates the level of a List element in the document.
- UpdateListOnlineResponse UpdateListOnline(UpdateListOnlineRequest request) - updates a list in the document.
- ParagraphFormatResponse UpdateParagraphFormat(UpdateParagraphFormatRequest request) - updates the formatting properties of a paragraph in the document node.
- UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineResponse UpdateParagraphFormatOnline(UpdateParagraphFormatOnlineRequest request) - updates the formatting properties of a paragraph in the document node.
- ParagraphListFormatResponse UpdateParagraphListFormat(UpdateParagraphListFormatRequest request) - updates the formatting properties of a paragraph list in the document node.
- UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineResponse UpdateParagraphListFormatOnline(UpdateParagraphListFormatOnlineRequest request) - updates the formatting properties of a paragraph list in the document node.
- RunResponse UpdateRun(UpdateRunRequest request) - updates a Run object in the paragraph.
- FontResponse UpdateRunFont(UpdateRunFontRequest request) - updates the font properties of a Run object in the paragraph.
- UpdateRunFontOnlineResponse UpdateRunFontOnline(UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest request) - updates the font properties of a Run object in the paragraph.
- UpdateRunOnlineResponse UpdateRunOnline(UpdateRunOnlineRequest request) - updates a Run object in the paragraph.
- SectionPageSetupResponse UpdateSectionPageSetup(UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest request) - updates the page setup of a section in the document.
- UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineResponse UpdateSectionPageSetupOnline(UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest request) - updates the page setup of a section in the document.
- StyleResponse UpdateStyle(UpdateStyleRequest request) - updates a style in the document.
- UpdateStyleOnlineResponse UpdateStyleOnline(UpdateStyleOnlineRequest request) - updates a style in the document.
- TableCellFormatResponse UpdateTableCellFormat(UpdateTableCellFormatRequest request) - updates the formatting properties of a cell in the table row.
- UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineResponse UpdateTableCellFormatOnline(UpdateTableCellFormatOnlineRequest request) - updates the formatting properties of a cell in the table row.
- TablePropertiesResponse UpdateTableProperties(UpdateTablePropertiesRequest request) - updates properties of a table in the document node.
- UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineResponse UpdateTablePropertiesOnline(UpdateTablePropertiesOnlineRequest request) - updates properties of a table in the document node.
- TableRowFormatResponse UpdateTableRowFormat(UpdateTableRowFormatRequest request) - updates the formatting properties of a table row.
- UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineResponse UpdateTableRowFormatOnline(UpdateTableRowFormatOnlineRequest request) - updates the formatting properties of a table row.
- FilesUploadResult UploadFile(UploadFileRequest request) - upload file.
This class is used in Configuration.