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Request Response Model
Copy CopyFileRequest Task
Create CreateFolderRequest
Delete DeleteFileRequest
Download DownloadFileRequest Stream
Get GetFilesListRequest FilesList StorageFile
Move MoveFileRequest Task
Upload UploadFileRequest FilesUploadResult Error


Represents a error.

This class is used in FilesUploadResult.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Code string Code.
Description string Description.
InnerError ErrorDetails Inner Error.
Message string Message.


Represents a error details.

This class is used in Error.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
ErrorDateTime DateTime Error datetime.
RequestId string The request id.


Represents a files list.

This class is used in WordsApi.

A single Value property is defined:

Property Type Description
Value List<StorageFile> Files and folders contained by folder StorageFile.


Represents a file upload result.

This class is used in WordsApi.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Errors List<Error> List of errors.
Uploaded List<string> List of uploaded file names.


Represents a file or folder information.

This class is used in FilesList.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
IsFolder bool True if it is a folder.
ModifiedDate DateTime File or folder last modified DateTime.
Name string File or folder name.
Path string File or folder path.
Size int File or folder size.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.CopyFile() operation.

An object of the CopyFileRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • CopyFileRequest()
  • CopyFileRequest(string destPath, string srcPath, string srcStorageName, string destStorageName, string versionId)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
destPath DestPath string Destination file path.
srcPath SrcPath string Source file’s path e.g. ‘/Folder 1/file.ext’ or ‘/Bucket/Folder 1/file.ext’.
srcStorageName SrcStorageName string Source storage name.
destStorageName DestStorageName string Destination storage name.
versionId VersionId string File version ID to copy.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.CopyFolder() operation.

An object of the CopyFolderRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • CopyFolderRequest()
  • CopyFolderRequest(string destPath, string srcPath, string srcStorageName, string destStorageName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
destPath DestPath string Destination folder path e.g. ‘/dst’.
srcPath SrcPath string Source folder path e.g. /Folder1.
srcStorageName SrcStorageName string Source storage name.
destStorageName DestStorageName string Destination storage name.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.CreateFolder() operation.

An object of the CreateFolderRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • CreateFolderRequest()
  • CreateFolderRequest(string path, string storageName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
path Path string Target folder’s path e.g. Folder1/Folder2/. The folders will be created recursively.
storageName StorageName string Storage name.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.DeleteFile() operation.

An object of the DeleteFileRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • DeleteFileRequest()
  • DeleteFileRequest(string path, string storageName, string versionId)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
path Path string Path of the file including the file name and extension e.g. /folder1/file.ext.
storageName StorageName string Storage name.
versionId VersionId string File version ID to delete.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.DeleteFolder() operation.

An object of the DeleteFolderRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • DeleteFolderRequest()
  • DeleteFolderRequest(string path, string storageName, bool? recursive)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
path Path string Folder path e.g. ‘/folder’.
storageName StorageName string Storage name.
recursive Recursive bool? Enable to delete folders, subfolders and files.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.DownloadFile() operation.

An object of the DownloadFileRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • DownloadFileRequest()
  • DownloadFileRequest(string path, string storageName, string versionId)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
path Path string Path of the file including the file name and extension e.g. /folder1/file.ext.
storageName StorageName string Storage name.
versionId VersionId string File version ID to download.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetFilesList() operation.

An object of the GetFilesListRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetFilesListRequest()
  • GetFilesListRequest(string path, string storageName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
path Path string Folder path e.g. ‘/folder’.
storageName StorageName string Storage name.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.MoveFile() operation.

An object of the MoveFileRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • MoveFileRequest()
  • MoveFileRequest(string destPath, string srcPath, string srcStorageName, string destStorageName, string versionId)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
destPath DestPath string Destination file path e.g. ‘/dest.ext’.
srcPath SrcPath string Source file’s path e.g. ‘/Folder 1/file.ext’ or ‘/Bucket/Folder 1/file.ext’.
srcStorageName SrcStorageName string Source storage name.
destStorageName DestStorageName string Destination storage name.
versionId VersionId string File version ID to move.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.MoveFolder() operation.

An object of the MoveFolderRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • MoveFolderRequest()
  • MoveFolderRequest(string destPath, string srcPath, string srcStorageName, string destStorageName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
destPath DestPath string Destination folder path to move to e.g ‘/dst’.
srcPath SrcPath string Source folder path e.g. /Folder1.
srcStorageName SrcStorageName string Source storage name.
destStorageName DestStorageName string Destination storage name.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.UploadFile() operation.

An object of the UploadFileRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UploadFileRequest()
  • UploadFileRequest(Stream fileContent, string path, string storageName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
fileContent FileContent Stream File to upload.
path Path string Path where to upload including filename and extension e.g. /file.ext or /Folder 1/file.ext If the content is multipart and path does not contains the file name it tries to get them from filename parameter from Content-Disposition header.
storageName StorageName string Storage name.