
[ ]
Request Response Model
Delete DeleteSectionOnlineRequest Dictionary
DeleteSectionRequest Task
Get GetSectionOnlineRequest SectionResponse Section
GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest SectionPageSetupResponse PageSetup
GetSectionRequest SectionResponse Section
GetSectionsOnlineRequest SectionLinkCollectionResponse SectionLinkCollection
Update UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineResponse PageSetup
UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest SectionPageSetupResponse


Represents a page setup properties of a section.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in SectionPageSetupResponse, UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest, UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
Bidi bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether this section contains bidirectional (complex scripts) text.
BorderAlwaysInFront bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border is positioned relative to intersecting texts and objects.
BorderAppliesTo BorderAppliesToEnum Gets or sets the option that controls which pages the page border is printed on.
BorderDistanceFrom BorderDistanceFromEnum Gets or sets the value, that indicates whether the specified page border is measured from the edge of the page or from the text it surrounds.
BottomMargin double Gets or sets the distance (in points) between the bottom edge of the page and the bottom boundary of the body text.
DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether a different header or footer is used on the first page.
FirstPageTray int Gets or sets the paper tray (bin) to use for the first page of a section. The value is implementation (printer) specific.
FooterDistance double Gets or sets the distance (in points) between the footer and the bottom of the page.
Gutter double Gets or sets the amount of extra space added to the margin for document binding.
HeaderDistance double Gets or sets the distance (in points) between the header and the top of the page.
LeftMargin double Gets or sets the distance (in points) between the left edge of the page and the left boundary of the body text.
LineNumberCountBy int Gets or sets the numeric increment for line numbers.
LineNumberDistanceFromText double Gets or sets the distance between the right edge of line numbers and the left edge of the document.
LineNumberRestartMode LineNumberRestartModeEnum Gets or sets the way line numbering runs that is, whether it starts over at the beginning of a new page or section or runs continuously.
LineStartingNumber int Gets or sets the starting line number.
Orientation OrientationEnum Gets or sets the orientation of the page.
OtherPagesTray int Gets or sets the paper tray (bin) to be used for all but the first page of a section. The value is implementation (printer) specific.
PageHeight double Gets or sets the height of the page in points.
PageNumberStyle PageNumberStyleEnum Gets or sets the page number format.
PageStartingNumber int Gets or sets the starting page number of the section.
PageWidth double Gets or sets the width of the page in points.
PaperSize PaperSizeEnum Gets or sets the paper size.
RestartPageNumbering bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether page numbering restarts at the beginning of the section.
RightMargin double Gets or sets the distance (in points) between the right edge of the page and the right boundary of the body text.
RtlGutter bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether Microsoft Word uses gutters for the section based on a right-to-left language or a left-to-right language.
SectionStart SectionStartEnum Gets or sets the type of section break for the specified object.
SuppressEndnotes bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether endnotes are printed at the end of the next section that doesn’t suppress endnotes. Suppressed endnotes are printed before the endnotes in that section.
TopMargin double Gets or sets the distance (in points) between the top edge of the page and the top boundary of the body text.
VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignmentEnum Gets or sets the vertical alignment of text on each page in the document.or section.


Represents a dTO container with a section element.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in SectionResponse.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
ChildNodes List<NodeLink> Gets or sets the list of child nodes.
HeaderFooters LinkElement Gets or sets the link to HeaderFooters resource.
PageSetup LinkElement Gets or sets the link to PageSetup resource.
Paragraphs LinkElement Gets or sets the link to Paragraphs resource.
Tables LinkElement Gets or sets the link to Tables resource.

Represents a section link element.

This class is inherited from NodeLink and used in SectionLinkCollection.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
NodeId string Gets or sets the node id.


Represents a collection of section’s links.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in SectionLinkCollectionResponse.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
SectionLinkList List<SectionLink> Gets or sets the collection of section’s links.


Represents a REST response with a section.

This class is inherited from WordsResponse and used in WordsApi.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
RequestId string Gets or sets the request Id.
Section Section Gets or sets the section.


Represents a request model for WordsApi operation.

An object of the DeleteSectionOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • DeleteSectionOnlineRequest()
  • DeleteSectionOnlineRequest(Stream document, int sectionIndex, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
sectionIndex SectionIndex int The index of the section.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


Represents a request model for WordsApi operation.

An object of the DeleteSectionRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • DeleteSectionRequest()
  • DeleteSectionRequest(string name, int sectionIndex, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
sectionIndex SectionIndex int The index of the section.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetSectionOnline() operation.

An object of the GetSectionOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetSectionOnlineRequest()
  • GetSectionOnlineRequest(Stream document, int sectionIndex, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
sectionIndex SectionIndex int The index of the section.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetSectionPageSetupOnline() operation.

An object of the GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest()
  • GetSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest(Stream document, int sectionIndex, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
sectionIndex SectionIndex int The index of the section.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetSectionPageSetup() operation.

An object of the GetSectionPageSetupRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetSectionPageSetupRequest()
  • GetSectionPageSetupRequest(string name, int sectionIndex, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
sectionIndex SectionIndex int The index of the section.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetSection() operation.

An object of the GetSectionRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetSectionRequest()
  • GetSectionRequest(string name, int sectionIndex, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
sectionIndex SectionIndex int The index of the section.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetSectionsOnline() operation.

An object of the GetSectionsOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetSectionsOnlineRequest()
  • GetSectionsOnlineRequest(Stream document, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetSections() operation.

An object of the GetSectionsRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetSectionsRequest()
  • GetSectionsRequest(string name, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a REST response with a collection of sections.

This class is inherited from WordsResponse and used in WordsApi.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
RequestId string Gets or sets the request Id.
Sections SectionLinkCollection Gets or sets the collection of sections.


Represents a REST response with a page setup of a section.

This class is inherited from WordsResponse and used in WordsApi, UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineResponse.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
RequestId string Gets or sets the request Id.
PageSetup PageSetup Gets or sets the page setup of a section.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.UpdateSectionPageSetupOnline() operation.

An object of the UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest()
  • UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineRequest(Stream document, int sectionIndex, PageSetup pageSetup, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
sectionIndex SectionIndex int The index of the section.
pageSetup PageSetup PageSetup Page setup properties dto.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


Represents a response model for WordsApi.UpdateSectionPageSetupOnline() operation.

An object of the UpdateSectionPageSetupOnlineResponse class is created by the following constructor methods:

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
model Model SectionPageSetupResponse The response model.
document Document Dictionary<string,Stream> The document after modification.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.UpdateSectionPageSetup() operation.

An object of the UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest()
  • UpdateSectionPageSetupRequest(string name, int sectionIndex, PageSetup pageSetup, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
sectionIndex SectionIndex int The index of the section.
pageSetup PageSetup PageSetup Page setup properties dto.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.