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Request Response Model

Represents a provides information for the file link.

This class is inherited from Link and used in ModificationOperationResult, ProtectionDataResponse, ReplaceTextResponse, SaveResult, SplitDocumentResult, StatDataResponse.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Href string Gets or sets the “href” attribute with the link’s IRI. atom:link elements MUST have an href attribute, whose value MUST be a IRI reference.
Rel string Gets or sets the option that controls whether atom:link elements MAY have a “rel” attribute that indicates the link relation type. If the “rel” attribute is not present, the link element MUST be interpreted as if the link relation type is “alternate”.
Title string Gets or sets the “title” attribute, that conveys human-readable information about the link. The content of the “title” attribute is Language-Sensitive.
Type string Gets or sets the “type” attribute. The “type” attribute’s value is an advisory media type: it is a hint about the type of the representation that is expected to be returned when the value of the href attribute is dereferenced. Note that the type attribute does not override the actual media type returned with the representation.


Represents a reference to a document.

This class is used in DrawingObjectCollection, HeaderFooter, Section.

A single Link property is defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.

Represents a reference to node.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in DocumentPosition, HeaderFooter, Paragraph, Section, StoryChildNodes, TableCell.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
NodeId string Gets or sets the node id.

Represents a officeMath object link element.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
NodeId string Gets or sets the node id.