Represents a info additional item.
This class is used in InfoResponse.
The following properties are defined:
Property | Type | Description |
Key | string | Gets or sets Key. |
Value | string | Gets or sets Value. |
Represents a common request for operations.
Represents a request which can modify document.
Represents a request which can save revisions in document.
Represents a request for mail merge operations.
Represents a request with format of output document.
Represents a request which can use custom fonts.
Represents a response with API info.
This class is inherited from WordsResponse and used in WordsApi.
The following properties are defined:
Property | Type | Description |
RequestId | string | Gets or sets the request Id. |
AdditionalInfo | List<InfoAdditionalItem> | Gets or sets additional info. |
Name | string | Gets or sets application name. |
Version | string | Gets or sets version. |
Represents a interface to specify template and body for putexecute operations.
Represents a request for operation with word document.
Represents a rEST response for RSA public key info.
This class is inherited from WordsResponse and used in WordsApi.
The following properties are defined:
Property | Type | Description |
RequestId | string | Gets or sets the request Id. |
Exponent | string | Gets or sets RSA key exponent as Base64 string. |
Modulus | string | Gets or sets RSA key modulus as Base64 string. |
Represents a request model for WordsApi operation.
Represents a request model for WordsApi operation.
Represents a node path builder for headers / footers.
This class is inherited from NodePathBuilderBase and used in SectionNodePathBuilder.
An object of the HeaderFooterNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- HeaderFooterNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, int index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
index | int | element node index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
- ParagraphNodePathBuilder Paragraphs(int index) - gets a node path builder for paragraph node.
Represents a node path builder for document lists.
This class is inherited from NodePathBuilderBase and used in SectionBodyNodePathBuilder, SectionNodePathBuilder.
An object of the ListNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- ListNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, int index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
index | int | element node index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
- SimpleNodePathBuilder Levels(int index) - gets a node path builder for list level node collection.
Represents a base class for all node path builder.
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
Represents a node path builder for paragraphs.
This class is inherited from NodePathBuilderBase and used in HeaderFooterNodePathBuilder, SectionBodyNodePathBuilder, SectionNodePathBuilder, TableCellNodePathBuilder.
An object of the ParagraphNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- ParagraphNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, int index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
index | int | element node index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
Represents a node path builder for section body.
An object of the SectionBodyNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- SectionBodyNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
index | element node index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
- ListNodePathBuilder Lists(int index) - gets a node path builder for list nodes.
- ParagraphNodePathBuilder Paragraphs(int index) - gets a node path builder for paragraph node collection.
- TableNodePathBuilder Tables(int index) - gets a node path builder for table nodes.
Represents a node path builder for fottnotes.
An object of the SectionNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- SectionNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, int index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
index | int | element node index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
- HeaderFooterNodePathBuilder HeaderFooters(int index) - gets a node path builder for header / footer node collection.
- ListNodePathBuilder Lists(int index) - gets a node path builder for list nodes.
- ParagraphNodePathBuilder Paragraphs(int index) - gets a node path builder for paragraph node collection.
- TableNodePathBuilder Tables(int index) - gets a node path builder for table nodes.
Represents a class for simple node.
This class is inherited from NodePathBuilderBase and used in ListNodePathBuilder.
An object of the SimpleNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- SimpleNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, string name, int? index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
name | string | name of node collection. |
index | int? | element node index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
Represents a node path builder for table row cells.
This class is inherited from NodePathBuilderBase and used in TableRowNodePathBuilder.
An object of the TableCellNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- TableCellNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, int index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
index | int | cell index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
- ParagraphNodePathBuilder Paragraphs(int index) - gets a node path builder for paragraph node collection.
- TableNodePathBuilder Tables(int index) - gets a node path builder for table node.
Represents a node path builder for tables.
This class is inherited from NodePathBuilderBase and used in SectionBodyNodePathBuilder, SectionNodePathBuilder, TableCellNodePathBuilder.
An object of the TableNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- TableNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, int index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
index | int | element node index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
- TableRowNodePathBuilder Rows(int index) - gets a node path builder for row node.
Represents a node path builder for table rows.
This class is inherited from NodePathBuilderBase and used in TableNodePathBuilder.
An object of the TableRowNodePathBuilder class is created by the following constructor methods:
- TableRowNodePathBuilder(NodePathBuilderBase parentBuilder, int index)
, where:
Argument | Type | Description |
parentBuilder | NodePathBuilderBase | parent node path builder. |
index | int | element node index. |
- string Build() - build node path for given node.
- TableCellNodePathBuilder Cells(int index) - gets a node path builder for cell nodes.
The following values are defined: Sha1, Sha256, Sha384, Sha512, Md5, RipeMD160.