
[ ]
Request Response Model
Get GetListOnlineRequest ListResponse ListInfo
GetListsOnlineRequest ListsResponse Lists
Insert InsertListOnlineRequest InsertListOnlineResponse ListInsert
InsertListRequest ListResponse ListInfo
Update UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse ListLevelUpdate
UpdateListLevelRequest ListResponse ListInfo
UpdateListOnlineRequest UpdateListOnlineResponse ListUpdate
UpdateListRequest ListResponse ListInfo


Represents a dTO container with a single document list.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in ListResponse, Lists.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
IsListStyleDefinition bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether this list is a definition of a list style.
IsListStyleReference bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether this list is a reference to a list style.
IsMultiLevel bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the list contains 9 levels; false when 1 level.
IsRestartAtEachSection bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether list should be restarted at each section. The default value is false.
ListId int Gets or sets the unique identifier of the list.
ListLevels ListLevels Gets or sets the collection of list levels for this list.
Style Style Gets or sets the list style that this list references or defines.


Represents a insert document to document list.

This class is used in InsertListOnlineRequest, InsertListRequest.

A single Template property is defined:

Property Type Description
Template TemplateEnum Gets or sets the option that controls how list should be restarted at each section.


Represents a dTO container with a document list level.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in ListLevels.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
Alignment AlignmentEnum Gets or sets the justification of the actual number of the list item.
Font Font Gets or sets character formatting used for the list label.
IsLegal bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the level turns all inherited numbers to Arabic, false if it preserves their number style.
LinkedStyle Style Gets or sets the paragraph style that is linked to this list level.
NumberFormat string Gets or sets the number format for the list level.
NumberPosition double Gets or sets the position (in points) of the number or bullet for the list level.
NumberStyle NumberStyleEnum Gets or sets the number style for this list level.
RestartAfterLevel int Gets or sets the list level, that must appear before the specified list level restarts numbering.
StartAt int Gets or sets the starting number for this list level.
TabPosition double Gets or sets the tab position (in points) for the list level.
TextPosition double Gets or sets the position (in points) for the second line of wrapping text for the list level.
TrailingCharacter TrailingCharacterEnum Gets or sets the character inserted after the number for the list level.


Represents a dTO container with a single document list.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in ListInfo.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
ListLevel List<ListLevel> Gets or sets the collection of list levels for this list.


Represents a document list levels.

This class is used in UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest, UpdateListLevelRequest.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Alignment AlignmentEnum Gets or sets the justification of the actual number of the list item.
IsLegal bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the level turns all inherited numbers to Arabic, false if it preserves their number style.
NumberFormat string Gets or sets the number format for the list level.
NumberPosition double Gets or sets the position (in points) of the number or bullet for the list level.
NumberStyle NumberStyleEnum Gets or sets the number style for this list level.
RestartAfterLevel int Gets or sets the list level that must appear before the specified list level restarts numbering.
StartAt int Gets or sets the starting number for this list level.
TabPosition double Gets or sets the tab position (in points) for the list level.
TextPosition double Gets or sets the position (in points) for the second line of wrapping text for the list level.
TrailingCharacter TrailingCharacterEnum Gets or sets the character to be inserted after the number for the list level.


Represents a dTO container with an array of document lists.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in ListsResponse.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
ListInfo List<ListInfo> Gets or sets the array of document lists.


Represents a update document properties if document list.

This class is used in UpdateListOnlineRequest, UpdateListRequest.

A single IsRestartAtEachSection property is defined:

Property Type Description
IsRestartAtEachSection bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether list should be restarted at each section. The default value is false.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetListOnline() operation.

An object of the GetListOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetListOnlineRequest()
  • GetListOnlineRequest(Stream document, int listId, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
listId ListId int The list Id.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetList() operation.

An object of the GetListRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetListRequest()
  • GetListRequest(string name, int listId, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
listId ListId int The list Id.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetListsOnline() operation.

An object of the GetListsOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetListsOnlineRequest()
  • GetListsOnlineRequest(Stream document, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetLists() operation.

An object of the GetListsRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetListsRequest()
  • GetListsRequest(string name, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.InsertListOnline() operation.

An object of the InsertListOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • InsertListOnlineRequest()
  • InsertListOnlineRequest(Stream document, ListInsert listInsert, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
listInsert ListInsert ListInsert List object.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


Represents a response model for WordsApi.InsertListOnline() operation.

An object of the InsertListOnlineResponse class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • InsertListOnlineResponse(ListResponse model, Dictionary<string,Stream> document)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
model Model ListResponse The response model.
document Document Dictionary<string,Stream> The document after modification.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.InsertList() operation.

An object of the InsertListRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • InsertListRequest()
  • InsertListRequest(string name, ListInsert listInsert, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
listInsert ListInsert ListInsert List object.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


Represents a REST response with a list information.

This class is inherited from WordsResponse and used in WordsApi, InsertListOnlineResponse, UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse, UpdateListOnlineResponse.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
RequestId string Gets or sets the request Id.
List ListInfo Gets or sets the list information.


Represents a REST response with a collection of lists, contained in the document.

This class is inherited from WordsResponse and used in WordsApi.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
RequestId string Gets or sets the request Id.
Lists Lists Gets or sets the collection of lists, contained in the document.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.UpdateListLevelOnline() operation.

An object of the UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest()
  • UpdateListLevelOnlineRequest(Stream document, int listId, ListLevelUpdate listUpdate, int listLevel, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
listId ListId int The list Id.
listUpdate ListUpdate ListLevelUpdate List object.
listLevel ListLevel int The list level.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


Represents a response model for WordsApi.UpdateListLevelOnline() operation.

An object of the UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UpdateListLevelOnlineResponse(ListResponse model, Dictionary<string,Stream> document)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
model Model ListResponse The response model.
document Document Dictionary<string,Stream> The document after modification.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.UpdateListLevel() operation.

An object of the UpdateListLevelRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UpdateListLevelRequest()
  • UpdateListLevelRequest(string name, int listId, int listLevel, ListLevelUpdate listUpdate, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
listId ListId int The list Id.
listLevel ListLevel int The list level.
listUpdate ListUpdate ListLevelUpdate List object.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.UpdateListOnline() operation.

An object of the UpdateListOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UpdateListOnlineRequest()
  • UpdateListOnlineRequest(Stream document, int listId, ListUpdate listUpdate, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
document Document Stream The document.
listId ListId int The list Id.
listUpdate ListUpdate ListUpdate List object.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


Represents a response model for WordsApi.UpdateListOnline() operation.

An object of the UpdateListOnlineResponse class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UpdateListOnlineResponse(ListResponse model, Dictionary<string,Stream> document)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
model Model ListResponse The response model.
document Document Dictionary<string,Stream> The document after modification.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.UpdateList() operation.

An object of the UpdateListRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • UpdateListRequest()
  • UpdateListRequest(string name, int listId, ListUpdate listUpdate, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName, string revisionAuthor, string revisionDateTime)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
listId ListId int The list Id.
listUpdate ListUpdate ListUpdate List object.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document.
revisionAuthor RevisionAuthor string Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.
revisionDateTime RevisionDateTime string The date and time to use for revisions.


The following values are defined: BulletDefault, BulletDisk, BulletCircle, BulletSquare, BulletDiamonds, BulletArrowHead, BulletTick, NumberDefault, NumberArabicDot, NumberArabicParenthesis, NumberUppercaseRomanDot, NumberUppercaseLetterDot, NumberLowercaseLetterParenthesis, NumberLowercaseLetterDot, NumberLowercaseRomanDot, OutlineNumbers, OutlineLegal, OutlineBullets, OutlineHeadingsArticleSection, OutlineHeadingsLegal, OutlineHeadingsNumbers, OutlineHeadingsChapter.


The following values are defined: Left, Center, Right.


The following values are defined: Arabic, UppercaseRoman, LowercaseRoman, UppercaseLetter, LowercaseLetter, Ordinal, Number, OrdinalText, Hex, ChicagoManual, Kanji, KanjiDigit, AiueoHalfWidth, IrohaHalfWidth, ArabicFullWidth, ArabicHalfWidth, KanjiTraditional, KanjiTraditional2, NumberInCircle, DecimalFullWidth, Aiueo, Iroha, LeadingZero, Bullet, Ganada, Chosung, GB1, GB2, GB3, GB4, Zodiac1, Zodiac2, Zodiac3, TradChinNum1, TradChinNum2, TradChinNum3, TradChinNum4, SimpChinNum1, SimpChinNum2, SimpChinNum3, SimpChinNum4, HanjaRead, HanjaReadDigit, Hangul, Hanja, Hebrew1, Arabic1, Hebrew2, Arabic2, HindiLetter1, HindiLetter2, HindiArabic, HindiCardinalText, ThaiLetter, ThaiArabic, ThaiCardinalText, VietCardinalText, NumberInDash, LowercaseRussian, UppercaseRussian, None, Custom.


The following values are defined: Tab, Space, Nothing.


The following values are defined: Left, Center, Right.


The following values are defined: Arabic, UppercaseRoman, LowercaseRoman, UppercaseLetter, LowercaseLetter, Ordinal, Number, OrdinalText, Hex, ChicagoManual, Kanji, KanjiDigit, AiueoHalfWidth, IrohaHalfWidth, ArabicFullWidth, ArabicHalfWidth, KanjiTraditional, KanjiTraditional2, NumberInCircle, DecimalFullWidth, Aiueo, Iroha, LeadingZero, Bullet, Ganada, Chosung, GB1, GB2, GB3, GB4, Zodiac1, Zodiac2, Zodiac3, TradChinNum1, TradChinNum2, TradChinNum3, TradChinNum4, SimpChinNum1, SimpChinNum2, SimpChinNum3, SimpChinNum4, HanjaRead, HanjaReadDigit, Hangul, Hanja, Hebrew1, Arabic1, Hebrew2, Arabic2, HindiLetter1, HindiLetter2, HindiArabic, HindiCardinalText, ThaiLetter, ThaiArabic, ThaiCardinalText, VietCardinalText, NumberInDash, LowercaseRussian, UppercaseRussian, None, Custom.


The following values are defined: Tab, Space, Nothing.