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Request Response Model
Build BuildReportOnlineRequest Stream ReportEngineSettings
BuildReportRequest DocumentResponse Document
Execute ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest Stream FieldOptions
ExecuteMailMergeRequest DocumentResponse Document


Represents a options for parsing CSV data.

This class is used in ReportEngineSettings.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
CommentChar string Gets or sets the character that is used to comment lines of CSV data.
Delimiter string Gets or sets the character to be used as a column delimiter.
HasHeaders bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the first record of CSV data contains column names.
QuoteChar string Gets or sets the character that is used to quote field values.


Represents a dTO for field options.

This class is used in ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest, ExecuteMailMergeRequest.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
BuiltInTemplatesPaths List<string> Gets or sets BuiltIn Templates Paths.
CurrentUser UserInformation Gets or sets Curren tUser.
CustomTocStyleSeparator string Gets or sets Custom Toc Style Separator.
DefaultDocumentAuthor string Gets or sets Default Document Author.
FieldIndexFormat FieldIndexFormatEnum Gets or sets Field Index Format.
FieldUpdateCultureName string Gets or sets Field Update Culture Name. It is used for all fields if FieldUpdateCultureSource is FieldCode.
FieldUpdateCultureSource FieldUpdateCultureSourceEnum Gets or sets Field Update Culture Source.
FileName string Gets or sets File Name.
IsBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate bool Gets or sets if Bidi Text Supported OnUpdate.
LegacyNumberFormat bool Gets or sets if Legacy Number Format.
PreProcessCultureName string Gets or sets PreProcess Culture Name. It is a culture code for DOC fields.
TemplateName string Gets or sets Template Name.
UseInvariantCultureNumberFormat bool Gets or sets if Use Invariant Culture Number Format.


Represents a options for parsing JSON data.

This class is used in ReportEngineSettings.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
AlwaysGenerateRootObject bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether a generated data source will always contain an object for a JSON root element. If a JSON root element contains a single complex property, such an object is not created by default.
ExactDateTimeParseFormats List<string> Gets or sets exact formats for parsing JSON date-time values while loading JSON. The default is null.
SimpleValueParseMode SimpleValueParseModeEnum Gets or sets a mode for parsing JSON simple values (null, boolean, number, integer, and string) while loading JSON. Such a mode does not affect parsing of date-time values. The default is Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonSimpleValueParseMode.Loose.


This class is used in ReportEngineSettings.


Represents a report engine settings.

This class is used in BuildReportOnlineRequest, BuildReportRequest.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
CsvDataLoadOptions CsvDataLoadOptions Gets or sets the options for parsing CSV data.
DataSourceName string Gets or sets the name to reference the data source object in the template.
DataSourceType DataSourceTypeEnum Gets or sets type of datasource.
JsonDataLoadOptions JsonDataLoadOptions Gets or sets the options for parsing JSON data.
ReportBuildOptions List<ReportBuildOptions> Gets or sets type of options to build report.
XmlDataLoadOptions XmlDataLoadOptions Gets or sets the options for parsing XML data.


Represents a dTO for user information.

This class is used in FieldOptions.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Address string Gets or sets user address.
Initials string Gets or sets user initials.
Name string Gets or sets user name.


Represents a options for XML data loading.

This class is used in ReportEngineSettings.

A single AlwaysGenerateRootObject property is defined:

Property Type Description
AlwaysGenerateRootObject bool Gets or sets a flag indicating whether a generated data source will always contain an object for an XML root element. If an XML root element has no attributes and all its child elements have same names, such an object is not created by default.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.BuildReportOnline() operation.

An object of the BuildReportOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • BuildReportOnlineRequest()
  • BuildReportOnlineRequest(Stream template, string data, ReportEngineSettings reportEngineSettings, string documentFileName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
template Template Stream File with template.
data Data string A string providing a data to populate the specified template. The string must be of one of the following types: xml, json, csv.
reportEngineSettings ReportEngineSettings ReportEngineSettings An object providing a settings of report engine.
documentFileName DocumentFileName string The filename of the output document, that will be used when the resulting document has a dynamic field {filename}. If it is not set, the “template” will be used instead.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.BuildReport() operation.

An object of the BuildReportRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • BuildReportRequest()
  • BuildReportRequest(string name, string data, ReportEngineSettings reportEngineSettings, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, string destFileName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
data Data string A string providing a data to populate the specified template. The string must be of one of the following types: xml, json, csv.
reportEngineSettings ReportEngineSettings ReportEngineSettings An object providing a settings of report engine.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
destFileName DestFileName string The filename of the output document. If this parameter is omitted, the result will be saved with autogenerated name.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.ExecuteMailMergeOnline() operation.

An object of the ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest()
  • ExecuteMailMergeOnlineRequest(Stream template, Stream data, FieldOptions options, bool? withRegions, string cleanup, string documentFileName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
template Template Stream File with template.
data Data Stream File with mailmerge data.
options Options FieldOptions Field options.
withRegions WithRegions bool? The flag indicating whether to execute Mail Merge operation with regions.
cleanup Cleanup string The cleanup options.
documentFileName DocumentFileName string The filename of the output document, that will be used when the resulting document has a dynamic field {filename}. If it is not set, the “template” will be used instead.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.ExecuteMailMerge() operation.

An object of the ExecuteMailMergeRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • ExecuteMailMergeRequest()
  • ExecuteMailMergeRequest(string name, string data, FieldOptions options, string folder, string storage, string loadEncoding, string password, string encryptedPassword, bool? withRegions, string mailMergeDataFile, string cleanup, bool? useWholeParagraphAsRegion, string destFileName)

Each of those arguments initializes the corresponding self-titled property:

Argument Property Type Description
name Name string The filename of the input document.
data Data string Mail merge data.
options Options FieldOptions Field options.
folder Folder string Original document folder.
storage Storage string Original document storage.
loadEncoding LoadEncoding string Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML.
password Password string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don’t recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API.
encryptedPassword EncryptedPassword string Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details.
withRegions WithRegions bool? The flag indicating whether to execute Mail Merge operation with regions.
mailMergeDataFile MailMergeDataFile string The data file.
cleanup Cleanup string The cleanup options.
useWholeParagraphAsRegion UseWholeParagraphAsRegion bool? The flag indicating whether paragraph with TableStart or TableEnd field should be fully included into mail merge region or particular range between TableStart and TableEnd fields. The default value is true.
destFileName DestFileName string The filename of the output document. If this parameter is omitted, the result will be saved with autogenerated name.


The following values are defined: Loose, Strict.


The following values are defined: Xml, Json, Csv.