
[ ]
Request Response Model
Get GetAvailableFontsRequest AvailableFontsResponse FontInfo
Reset ResetCacheRequest Task


Represents a dTO container with a font element.

This class is inherited from LinkElement and used in FontResponse, ListLevel, Style, UpdateRunFontOnlineRequest, UpdateRunFontRequest.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
Link WordsApiLink Gets or sets the link to the document.
AllCaps bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as all capital letters.
Bidi bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of this run shall have right-to-left characteristics.
Bold bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as bold.
BoldBi bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the right-to-left text is formatted as bold.
Border Border Gets or sets the border object, that specifies border for the font.
Color XmlColor Gets or sets the color of the font.
ComplexScript bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of this run shall be treated as complex script text regardless of their Unicode character values when determining the formatting for this run.
DoubleStrikeThrough bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as double strikethrough text.
Emboss bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as embossed.
Engrave bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as engraved.
Hidden bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as hidden text.
HighlightColor XmlColor Gets or sets the highlight (marker) color.
Italic bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as italic.
ItalicBi bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the right-to-left text is formatted as italic.
Kerning double Gets or sets the font size at which kerning starts.
LocaleId int Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted characters.
LocaleIdBi int Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted right-to-left characters.
LocaleIdFarEast int Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted Asian characters.
Name string Gets or sets the name of the font.
NameAscii string Gets or sets the font used for Latin text (characters with character codes from 0 (zero) through 127) .
NameBi string Gets or sets the name of the font in a right-to-left language document.
NameFarEast string Gets or sets the East Asian font name.
NameOther string Gets or sets the font used for characters with character codes from 128 through 255.
NoProofing bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the formatted characters are not to be spell checked.
Outline bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as outline.
Position double Gets or sets the position of text (in points) relative to the base line. A positive number raises the text, and a negative number lowers it.
Scaling int Gets or sets character width scaling in percent.
Shadow bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as shadowed.
Size double Gets or sets the font size in points.
SizeBi double Gets or sets the font size in points used in a right-to-left document.
SmallCaps bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as small capital letters.
Spacing double Gets or sets the spacing (in points) between characters.
StrikeThrough bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as strikethrough text.
StyleIdentifier StyleIdentifierEnum Gets or sets the locale independent style identifier of the character style applied to this formatting.
StyleName string Gets or sets the name of the character style applied to this formatting.
Subscript bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as subscript.
Superscript bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as superscript.
TextEffect TextEffectEnum Gets or sets the font animation effect.
Underline UnderlineEnum Gets or sets the type of underline applied to the font.
UnderlineColor XmlColor Gets or sets the color of the underline applied to the font.


Represents a fontDto.


Represents a dTO container with font info.

This class is used in AvailableFontsResponse.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
FilePath string Gets or sets the path to the font file if any.
FontFamilyName string Gets or sets the family name of the font.
FullFontName string Gets or sets the full name of the font.
Version string Gets or sets the version string of the font.


Represents a REST response with data on system, additional and custom fonts, available for document processing.

This class is inherited from WordsResponse and used in WordsApi.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
RequestId string Gets or sets the request Id.
AdditionalFonts List<FontInfo> Gets or sets the list of additional fonts, provided by Aspose team.
CustomFonts List<FontInfo> Gets or sets the list of custom user fonts from user cloud storage. To use them, you should specify “fontsLocation” parameter in any request.
SystemFonts List<FontInfo> Gets or sets the list of system fonts, available on the server.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.GetAvailableFonts() operation.

An object of the GetAvailableFontsRequest class is created by the following constructor methods:

  • GetAvailableFontsRequest()
  • GetAvailableFontsRequest(string fontsLocation)


A single FontsLocation property is defined:

Property Type Description
FontsLocation string The folder in cloud storage with custom fonts.


Represents a request model for WordsApi.ResetCache() operation.


The following values are defined: Normal, Heading1, Heading2, Heading3, Heading4, Heading5, Heading6, Heading7, Heading8, Heading9, Index1, Index2, Index3, Index4, Index5, Index6, Index7, Index8, Index9, Toc1, Toc2, Toc3, Toc4, Toc5, Toc6, Toc7, Toc8, Toc9, NormalIndent, FootnoteText, CommentText, Header, Footer, IndexHeading, Caption, TableOfFigures, EnvelopeAddress, EnvelopeReturn, FootnoteReference, CommentReference, LineNumber, PageNumber, EndnoteReference, EndnoteText, TableOfAuthorities, Macro, ToaHeading, List, ListBullet, ListNumber, List2, List3, List4, List5, ListBullet2, ListBullet3, ListBullet4, ListBullet5, ListNumber2, ListNumber3, ListNumber4, ListNumber5, Title, Closing, Signature, DefaultParagraphFont, BodyText, BodyTextInd, ListContinue, ListContinue2, ListContinue3, ListContinue4, ListContinue5, MessageHeader, Subtitle, Salutation, Date, BodyText1I, BodyText1I2, NoteHeading, BodyText2, BodyText3, BodyTextInd2, BodyTextInd3, BlockText, Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink, Strong, Emphasis, DocumentMap, PlainText, EmailSignature, HtmlTopOfForm, HtmlBottomOfForm, NormalWeb, HtmlAcronym, HtmlAddress, HtmlCite, HtmlCode, HtmlDefinition, HtmlKeyboard, HtmlPreformatted, HtmlSample, HtmlTypewriter, HtmlVariable, TableNormal, CommentSubject, NoList, OutlineList1, OutlineList2, OutlineList3, TableSimple1, TableSimple2, TableSimple3, TableClassic1, TableClassic2, TableClassic3, TableClassic4, TableColorful1, TableColorful2, TableColorful3, TableColumns1, TableColumns2, TableColumns3, TableColumns4, TableColumns5, TableGrid1, TableGrid2, TableGrid3, TableGrid4, TableGrid5, TableGrid6, TableGrid7, TableGrid8, TableList1, TableList2, TableList3, TableList4, TableList5, TableList6, TableList7, TableList8, Table3DEffects1, Table3DEffects2, Table3DEffects3, TableContemporary, TableElegant, TableProfessional, TableSubtle1, TableSubtle2, TableWeb1, TableWeb2, TableWeb3, BalloonText, TableGrid, TableTheme, PlaceholderText, NoSpacing, LightShading, LightList, LightGrid, MediumShading1, MediumShading2, MediumList1, MediumList2, MediumGrid1, MediumGrid2, MediumGrid3, DarkList, ColorfulShading, ColorfulList, ColorfulGrid, LightShadingAccent1, LightListAccent1, LightGridAccent1, MediumShading1Accent1, MediumShading2Accent1, MediumList1Accent1, Revision, ListParagraph, Quote, IntenseQuote, MediumList2Accent1, MediumGrid1Accent1, MediumGrid2Accent1, MediumGrid3Accent1, DarkListAccent1, ColorfulShadingAccent1, ColorfulListAccent1, ColorfulGridAccent1, LightShadingAccent2, LightListAccent2, LightGridAccent2, MediumShading1Accent2, MediumShading2Accent2, MediumList1Accent2, MediumList2Accent2, MediumGrid1Accent2, MediumGrid2Accent2, MediumGrid3Accent2, DarkListAccent2, ColorfulShadingAccent2, ColorfulListAccent2, ColorfulGridAccent2, LightShadingAccent3, LightListAccent3, LightGridAccent3, MediumShading1Accent3, MediumShading2Accent3, MediumList1Accent3, MediumList2Accent3, MediumGrid1Accent3, MediumGrid2Accent3, MediumGrid3Accent3, DarkListAccent3, ColorfulShadingAccent3, ColorfulListAccent3, ColorfulGridAccent3, LightShadingAccent4, LightListAccent4, LightGridAccent4, MediumShading1Accent4, MediumShading2Accent4, MediumList1Accent4, MediumList2Accent4, MediumGrid1Accent4, MediumGrid2Accent4, MediumGrid3Accent4, DarkListAccent4, ColorfulShadingAccent4, ColorfulListAccent4, ColorfulGridAccent4, LightShadingAccent5, LightListAccent5, LightGridAccent5, MediumShading1Accent5, MediumShading2Accent5, MediumList1Accent5, MediumList2Accent5, MediumGrid1Accent5, MediumGrid2Accent5, MediumGrid3Accent5, DarkListAccent5, ColorfulShadingAccent5, ColorfulListAccent5, ColorfulGridAccent5, LightShadingAccent6, LightListAccent6, LightGridAccent6, MediumShading1Accent6, MediumShading2Accent6, MediumList1Accent6, MediumList2Accent6, MediumGrid1Accent6, MediumGrid2Accent6, MediumGrid3Accent6, DarkListAccent6, ColorfulShadingAccent6, ColorfulListAccent6, ColorfulGridAccent6, SubtleEmphasis, IntenseEmphasis, SubtleReference, IntenseReference, BookTitle, Bibliography, TocHeading, PlainTable1, PlainTable2, PlainTable3, PlainTable4, PlainTable5, TableGridLight, GridTable1Light, GridTable2, GridTable3, GridTable4, GridTable5Dark, GridTable6Colorful, GridTable7Colorful, GridTable1LightAccent1, GridTable2Accent1, GridTable3Accent1, GridTable4Accent1, GridTable5DarkAccent1, GridTable6ColorfulAccent1, GridTable7ColorfulAccent1, GridTable1LightAccent2, GridTable2Accent2, GridTable3Accent2, GridTable4Accent2, GridTable5DarkAccent2, GridTable6ColorfulAccent2, GridTable7ColorfulAccent2, GridTable1LightAccent3, GridTable2Accent3, GridTable3Accent3, GridTable4Accent3, GridTable5DarkAccent3, GridTable6ColorfulAccent3, GridTable7ColorfulAccent3, GridTable1LightAccent4, GridTable2Accent4, GridTable3Accent4, GridTable4Accent4, GridTable5DarkAccent4, GridTable6ColorfulAccent4, GridTable7ColorfulAccent4, GridTable1LightAccent5, GridTable2Accent5, GridTable3Accent5, GridTable4Accent5, GridTable5DarkAccent5, GridTable6ColorfulAccent5, GridTable7ColorfulAccent5, GridTable1LightAccent6, GridTable2Accent6, GridTable3Accent6, GridTable4Accent6, GridTable5DarkAccent6, GridTable6ColorfulAccent6, GridTable7ColorfulAccent6, ListTable1Light, ListTable2, ListTable3, ListTable4, ListTable5Dark, ListTable6Colorful, ListTable7Colorful, ListTable1LightAccent1, ListTable2Accent1, ListTable3Accent1, ListTable4Accent1, ListTable5DarkAccent1, ListTable6ColorfulAccent1, ListTable7ColorfulAccent1, ListTable1LightAccent2, ListTable2Accent2, ListTable3Accent2, ListTable4Accent2, ListTable5DarkAccent2, ListTable6ColorfulAccent2, ListTable7ColorfulAccent2, ListTable1LightAccent3, ListTable2Accent3, ListTable3Accent3, ListTable4Accent3, ListTable5DarkAccent3, ListTable6ColorfulAccent3, ListTable7ColorfulAccent3, ListTable1LightAccent4, ListTable2Accent4, ListTable3Accent4, ListTable4Accent4, ListTable5DarkAccent4, ListTable6ColorfulAccent4, ListTable7ColorfulAccent4, ListTable1LightAccent5, ListTable2Accent5, ListTable3Accent5, ListTable4Accent5, ListTable5DarkAccent5, ListTable6ColorfulAccent5, ListTable7ColorfulAccent5, ListTable1LightAccent6, ListTable2Accent6, ListTable3Accent6, ListTable4Accent6, ListTable5DarkAccent6, ListTable6ColorfulAccent6, ListTable7ColorfulAccent6, SmartLink, Mention, SmartHyperlink, Hashtag, UnresolvedMention, User, Nil.


The following values are defined: None, LasVegasLights, BlinkingBackground, SparkleText, MarchingBlackAnts, MarchingRedAnts, Shimmer.


The following values are defined: None, Single, Words, Double, Dotted, Thick, Dash, DotDash, DotDotDash, Wavy, DottedHeavy, DashHeavy, DotDashHeavy, DotDotDashHeavy, WavyHeavy, DashLong, WavyDouble, DashLongHeavy.