Configure Amazon S3 Storage
To use Amazon S3 storage, you have to create your own account and create a new bucket at Please follow Sign Up for Amazon S3 for more details.
You also have to configure Amazon S3 Storage using your Aspose account at Please follow these steps:
- Log in to
- Access the Storages Page.
- Select Amazon S3 Storage from the ‘Create New Storage’ menu.
- Enter ‘Storage Name’
- Enter ‘Bucket’ Name
- Enter ‘AWS Access Key’
- Enter ‘AWS Secret Key’
- Press ‘Save’ button to configure new storage
The new storage would appear under Storages view. Now you can use this storage with Aspose REST APIs. For instance:
Please note when you configure external Amazon S3 storage, The Aspose Cloud APIs need the following APIs access on the bucket:
Required APIs access:
- GetObjectMetadada API
- ListObjects API
Optional APIs:
- CopyObject API
- PutObject API
- GetPreSignedURL API
- PutBucket API
- PutBucketVersioning API
- DeleteObject API
- ListVersions API
- GetObject API
- DeleteBucket API