Update a Chart Data Point


In PowerPoint presentations, data points are individual values or specific pieces of data that are plotted on a chart. Each data point represents a particular value within a dataset and is typically represented graphically as a marker, bar, line, or other visual element on the chart. Use the following method to update data points of a chart in presentations.


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/shapes/{shapeIndex}/series/{seriesIndex}/dataPoints/{pointIndex} PUT Updates a data point of a chart in a presentation saved in a storage. UpdateChartDataPoint

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
name string path true The name of a presentation file.
slideIndex integer path true The 1-based index of a presentation slide.
shapeIndex integer path true The 1-based index of a shape (must be a chart).
seriesIndex integer path true The 1-based index of a data series.
pointIndex integer path true The 1-based index of a data point.
dataPoint DataPoint body true The data transfer object of the data point.
password string header false The password to open the presentation.
folder string query false The path to the folder containing the presentation file.
storage string query false The name of the storage contaning the folder.


In the default storage, the document MyPresentation.pptx contains a scatter chart (the second shape) that displays the number of items sold for quarters 1 through 4 (one data series). Update the sales value for the 2nd quarter to 10 items.

Sales chart

cURL Solution

SDK Solutions

The result:

Sales chart


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