Convert Email, Calendar and Contact Files Convert Calendar (iCalendar) Files
This tutorial describes only the file conversion API. To get more information about
iCalendar API usage see
iCalendar API Tutorial .
iCalendar file can be reproduced as a CalendarDto object. This object can be converted to iCalendar or Microsoft Outlook MSG file.
Create CalendarDto Object
Let’s create a CalendarDto object:
Copy var calendar = new CalendarDto
Attendees = new List < MailAddress >
new MailAddress ( "Attendee Name" , "" , "Accepted" )
Description = "Some description" ,
Summary = "Some summary" ,
Organizer = new MailAddress ( "Organizer Name" , "" , null ),
StartDate = DateTime . UtcNow . AddDays ( 1 ). AddHours ( 12 ),
EndDate = DateTime . UtcNow . AddDays ( 1 ). AddHours ( 13 ),
Location = "Some location"
Copy Calendar startDate = Calendar . getInstance ();
Calendar endDate = ( Calendar ) startDate . clone ();
endDate . set ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY , endDate . get ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY ) + 1 );
CalendarDto calendar = new CalendarDto ()
. addAttendeesItem ( new MailAddress ( "Attendee Name" , "" , "Accepted" ))
. description ( "Some description" )
. summary ( "Some summary" )
. organizer ( new MailAddress ( "Organizer Name" , "" , "Accepted" ))
. startDate ( startDate . getTime ())
. endDate ( endDate . getTime ())
. location ( "Some location" );
Copy calendar = models . CalendarDto ()
calendar . attendees = [ models . MailAddress ( 'Attendee Name' , '' , 'Accepted' )]
calendar . description = 'Some description'
calendar . summary = 'Some summary'
calendar . organizer = models . MailAddress ( 'Organizer Name' , '' , 'Accepted' )
calendar . start_date = datetime . today () + timedelta ( days = 1 )
calendar . end_date = calendar . start_date + timedelta ( hours = 1 )
calendar . location = 'Some location'
Copy calendar = CalendarDto . new (
location : 'Some location' ,
summary : 'Some summary' ,
description : 'Some description' ,
start_date : DateTime . now ,
end_date : DateTime . now ,
organizer : MailAddress . new ( address : '' ),
attendees : [ MailAddress . new ( address : '' ) ] ,
recurrence : DailyRecurrencePatternDto . new ( occurs : 10 , week_start : 'Monday' ))
Copy var calendar = new models . CalendarDto ();
calendar . attendees = [
new models . MailAddress ( 'Attendee Name' , '' , 'Accepted' )
calendar . description = 'Some description' ;
calendar . summary = 'Some summary' ;
calendar . organizer = new models . MailAddress ( 'Organizer Name' , '' );
calendar . startDate = getDate ( undefined , 1 );
calendar . endDate = getDate ( calendar . startDate , 1 );
calendar . location = 'Some location' ;
Copy $calendar = ( new CalendarDto ())
-> setAttendees ( array ( new MailAddress ( "Attendee Name" , "" , "Accepted" )))
-> setDescription ( "Some description" )
-> setSummary ( "Some summary" )
-> setOrganizer ( new MailAddress ( "Organizer Name" , "" , "Accepted" ))
-> setStartDate ( new DateTime ())
-> setEndDate (( new DateTime ()) -> add ( new DateInterval ( "PT1H" )))
-> setLocation ( "Some location" );
Convert CalendarDto to MAPI File
We can convert created CalendarDto to MAPI or ICS file:
Convert CalendarDto to ICS
That’s it, you can open a file created in the Microsoft Outlook or any other application with MSG files support. You can also convert MSG file to an iCalendar file:
Convert Calendar File to ICS
Copy var ics = await api . Calendar . ConvertAsync (
new CalendarConvertRequest (
"Ics" , mapi ));
using ( var file = File . OpenWrite ( "calendar.ics" ))
await ics . CopyToAsync ( file );
ics . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin );
using ( var memoryStream = new MemoryStream ())
await ics . CopyToAsync ( memoryStream );
var icsString = Encoding . UTF8 . GetString ( memoryStream . ToArray ());
Assert . IsTrue ( icsString . Contains ( calendar . Location ));
ics . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin );
Copy byte [] ics = api . calendar (). convert (
new CalendarConvertRequest (
"Ics" , mapi ));
try ( FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream ( "calendar.ics" )){
stream . write ( ics );
String calendarContent = new String ( ics , "UTF-8" );
assert calendarContent . contains ( calendar . getLocation ());
Copy ics = api . calendar . convert ( models . CalendarConvertRequest ( 'Ics' , mapi ))
with open ( ics , 'r' ) as f :
file_data = f . read ()
assert calendar . location in file_data
Copy ics = api . calendar . convert (
CalendarConvertRequest . new (
format : 'Ics' ,
file : mapi ))
ics_content = IO . read ( ics )
expect ( ics_content ) . to include calendar . location
Copy const ics = await api . calendar . convert ( new CalendarConvertRequest (
'Ics' , mapi ));
let icsString = ics . toString ();
expect ( icsString ). to . include ( calendar . location );
Copy $ics = $api -> calendar () -> convert ( new CalendarConvertRequest ( 'Ics' , $mapi ));
$fileContent = $ics -> fread ( $ics -> getSize ());
$this -> assertRegExp ( "/" . $calendar -> getLocation () . "/" , $fileContent );
Convert iCalendar File to CalendarDto
All iCalendar files can be converted back to CalendarDto objects:
This tutorial describes only the file conversion API. To get more information about VCard API usage see
VCard API Tutorial .
VCard files conversion API looks the same as iCalendar API. VCard file can be represented using a ContactDto object. This object can be converted to a VCard or MAPI contact file. Both contact formats can be converted to each other and back to the ContactDto object. You can see all the available methods in the examples below:
Convert VCard Files
Copy const string surname = "Thomas" ;
ContactDto contact => new ContactDto
Gender = "Male" ,
Surname = surname ,
GivenName = "Alex" ,
EmailAddresses = new List < EmailAddress >
new EmailAddress
Category = new EnumWithCustomOfEmailAddressCategory ( "Work" , null ),
Address = "" ,
Preferred = true ,
DisplayName = "Alex Thomas"
PhoneNumbers = new List < PhoneNumber >
new PhoneNumber
Category = new EnumWithCustomOfPhoneNumberCategory ( "Work" , null ),
Number = "+49211424721" ,
Preferred = true
var mapiStream = await api . Contact . AsFileAsync (
new ContactAsFileRequest ( "Msg" , contact ));
var vcardStream = await api . Contact . ConvertAsync (
new ContactConvertRequest ( "VCard" , "Msg" , mapiStream ));
using ( var memoryStream = new MemoryStream ())
await vcardStream . CopyToAsync ( memoryStream );
var vcardString = Encoding . UTF8 . GetString ( memoryStream . ToArray ());
Assert . IsTrue ( vcardString . Contains ( surname ));
vcardStream . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin );
var dto = await api . Contact . FromFileAsync (
new ContactFromFileRequest ( "VCard" , vcardStream ));
Assert . AreEqual ( surname , dto . Surname );
Copy String surname = "Thomas" ;
ContactDto contactDto = new ContactDto ()
. gender ( "Male" )
. surname ( surname )
. givenName ( "Alex" )
. addEmailAddressesItem ( new EmailAddress (
new EnumWithCustomOfEmailAddressCategory ( "Work" , null ),
"Alex Thomas" , true , null , "" , null ))
. addPhoneNumbersItem ( new PhoneNumber (
new EnumWithCustomOfPhoneNumberCategory ( "Work" , null ),
"+49211424721" , true ));
byte [] mapiBytes = api . contact (). asFile (
new ContactAsFileRequest ( "Msg" , contactDto ));
byte [] vcardBytes = api . contact (). convert (
new ContactConvertRequest ( "VCard" , "Msg" , mapiBytes ));
String contactContent = new String ( vcardBytes , "UTF-8" );
assert contactContent . contains ( surname );
ContactDto dto = api . contact (). fromFile (
new ContactFromFileRequest ( "VCard" , vcardBytes ));
assert surname . equals ( dto . getSurname ());
Copy contact = models . ContactDto (
gender = 'Male' ,
surname = 'Thomas' ,
given_name = 'Alex' ,
email_addresses = [
models . EmailAddress (
models . EnumWithCustomOfEmailAddressCategory ( 'Work' ),
'Alex Thomas' , True , address = '' )],
phone_numbers = [
models . PhoneNumber (
models . EnumWithCustomOfPhoneNumberCategory ( 'Work' ),
'+49211424721' , True )])
mapi = api . contact . as_file (
models . ContactAsFileRequest ( 'Msg' , contact ))
vcard = api . contact . convert (
models . ContactConvertRequest ( 'VCard' , 'Msg' , mapi ))
with open ( vcard , 'r' ) as f :
file_data = f . read ()
assert contact . surname in file_data
dto = api . contact . from_file (
models . ContactFromFileRequest ( 'VCard' , vcard ))
assert contact . surname == dto . surname
Copy contact = ContactDto . new (
surname : 'Cane' ,
given_name : 'John' ,
gender : 'Male' ,
email_addresses : [
EmailAddress . new ( address : '' ) ] ,
phone_numbers : [
PhoneNumber . new ( number : '+4734534643' ) ] )
mapi_file = api . contact . as_file (
ContactAsFileRequest . new (
format : 'Msg' ,
value : contact ))
vcard_file = api . contact . convert (
ContactConvertRequest . new (
to_format : 'VCard' ,
from_format : 'Msg' ,
file : mapi_file ))
vcard_content = IO . read ( vcard_file )
expect ( vcard_content ) . to include contact . surname
dto = api . contact . from_file (
ContactFromFileRequest . new (
format : 'VCard' ,
file : vcard_file ))
expect ( dto . surname ) . to eq contact . surname
Copy const surname = 'Cane' ;
const contactDto = new ContactDto ();
contactDto . surname = surname ;
contactDto . givenName = 'John' ;
contactDto . gender = 'Male' ;
const emailAddress = new EmailAddress ();
emailAddress . address = ''
contactDto . emailAddresses = [ emailAddress ];
contactDto . phoneNumbers = [
new PhoneNumber ( undefined , '+47234325344' )];
const mapi = await api . contact . asFile (
new ContactAsFileRequest ( 'Msg' , contactDto ));
const vcard = await api . contact . convert (
new ContactConvertRequest (
'VCard' , 'Msg' , mapi ));
const vcardString = vcard . toString ();
expect ( vcardString ). to . include ( surname );
const dto = await api . contact . fromFile (
new ContactFromFileRequest ( 'VCard' , vcard ));
expect ( dto . surname ). to . be . equal ( surname );
Copy $contactDto = ( new ContactDto ())
-> setSurname ( 'Cane' )
-> setGivenName ( 'John' )
-> setGender ( 'Male' )
-> setEmailAddresses ( array (
( new EmailAddress ()) -> setAddress (
'' )))
-> setPhoneNumbers ( array (
( new PhoneNumber ()) -> setNumber (
'+47235456456' )));
$mapi = $api -> contact () -> asFile ( new ContactAsFileRequest ( 'Msg' , $contactDto ));
$vcard = $api -> contact () -> convert ( new ContactConvertRequest ( 'VCard' , 'Msg' , $mapi ));
$fileContent = $vcard -> fread ( $vcard -> getSize ());
$this -> assertRegExp ( "/" . $contactDto -> getSurname () . "/" , $fileContent );
$dto = $api -> contact () -> fromFile ( new ContactFromFileRequest ( 'VCard' , $vcard ));
$this -> assertEquals ( $contactDto -> getSurname (), $dto -> getSurname ());
Convert Email Messages
The email message can be represented as an EmailDto object. This object can be converted into an EML, MSG, MHTM, HTML file. Files can be converted to each other and back to the EmailDto object. The code below demonstrates all email message conversion methods:
Copy EmailDto email => new EmailDto
Subject = "Re: Some subject" ,
Body = "Some body" ,
IsBodyHtml = true ,
HtmlBody = "<b>Some body</b>" ,
BodyType = "Html" ,
IsDraft = true ,
Attachments = new List < Attachment >
new Attachment
Base64Data =
Convert . ToBase64String ( Encoding . UTF8 . GetBytes ( "Some file content" )),
Name = "some-file.txt"
DeliveryNotificationOptions = new List < string > { "OnSuccess" , "Delay" },
From = new MailAddress { Address = FromAddress , DisplayName = "From Address" },
To = new List < MailAddress >
{ new MailAddress { Address = "" , DisplayName = "To Address" }}
var mapiStream = await api . Email . AsFileAsync (
new EmailAsFileRequest ( "Msg" , email ));
var emlStream = await api . Email . ConvertAsync (
new EmailConvertRequest ( "Msg" , "Eml" , mapiStream ));
using ( var memoryStream = new MemoryStream ())
await emlStream . CopyToAsync ( memoryStream );
var emlString = Encoding . UTF8 . GetString ( memoryStream . ToArray ());
Assert . IsTrue ( emlString . Contains ( FromAddress ));
emlStream . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin );
var dto = await api . Email . FromFileAsync (
new EmailFromFileRequest ( "Eml" , emlStream ));
Assert . AreEqual ( FromAddress , dto . From . Address );
Copy String from = "" ;
EmailDto emailDto = new EmailDto ()
. from ( new MailAddress (). address ( from ))
. addToItem ( new MailAddress (). address ( "" ))
. subject ( "Some subject" )
. body ( "Some body" )
. date ( new Date ());
byte [] mapiBytes = api . email (). asFile (
new EmailAsFileRequest ( "Msg" , emailDto ));
byte [] emlBytes = api . email (). convert (
new EmailConvertRequest ( "Msg" , "Eml" , mapiBytes ));
String emlContent = new String ( emlBytes , "UTF-8" );
assert emlContent . contains ( from );
EmailDto dto = api . email (). fromFile (
new EmailFromFileRequest ( "Eml" , emlBytes ));
assert from . equals ( dto . getFrom (). getAddress ());
Copy email_document = models . EmailDto (
_from = models . MailAddress ( address = '' ),
to = [ models . MailAddress ( address = '' )],
subject = 'Some subject' ,
body = 'Some body' ,
_date = datetime . today ())
mapi = api . email . as_file (
models . EmailAsFileRequest ( 'Msg' , email_document ))
eml = api . email . convert (
models . EmailConvertRequest ( 'Msg' , 'Eml' , mapi ))
with open ( eml , 'r' ) as f :
file_data = f . read ()
assert email_document . _from . address in file_data
dto = api . email . from_file (
models . EmailFromFileRequest ( 'Eml' , eml ))
assert email_document . _from . address == dto . _from . address
Copy email = EmailDto . new (
from : MailAddress . new ( address : '' ),
to : [ MailAddress . new ( address : '' ) ] ,
subject : 'Some subject' ,
body : 'Some body' ,
date : DateTime . now )
mapi_file = api . email . as_file (
EmailAsFileRequest . new ( format : 'Msg' , value : email ))
eml_file = api . email . convert (
EmailConvertRequest . new (
from_format : 'Msg' ,
to_format : 'Eml' ,
file : mapi_file ))
eml_content = IO . read ( eml_file )
expect ( eml_content ) . to include email . from . address
dto = api . email . from_file (
EmailFromFileRequest . new (
format : 'Eml' , file : eml_file ))
expect ( dto . from . address ) . to eq email . from . address
Copy const emailDto = new EmailDto ();
emailDto . from = new MailAddress ( undefined , from );
emailDto . to = [ new MailAddress ( undefined , '' )];
emailDto . subject = 'Some subject' ;
emailDto . body = 'Some body' ;
emailDto . date = new Date ();
const mapi = await api . email . asFile (
new EmailAsFileRequest ( 'Msg' , emailDto ));
const eml = await api . email . convert (
new EmailConvertRequest ( 'Msg' , 'Eml' , mapi ));
const emlString = eml . toString ();
expect ( emlString ). to . include ( from );
const dto = await api . email . fromFile (
new EmailFromFileRequest ( 'Eml' , eml ));
expect ( dto . from . address ). to . be . equal ( from );
Copy $emailDto = ( new EmailDto ())
-> setFrom ( new MailAddress ( null , '' ))
-> setTo ( array ( new MailAddress ( null , '' )))
-> setSubject ( 'Some subject' )
-> setBody ( 'Some body' )
-> setDate ( new DateTime ());
$mapi = $api -> email () -> asFile (
new EmailAsFileRequest ( 'Msg' , $emailDto ));
$eml = $api -> email () -> convert (
new EmailConvertRequest ( 'Msg' , 'Eml' , $mapi ));
$fileContent = $eml -> fread ( $eml -> getSize ());
$this -> assertRegExp (
"/" . $emailDto -> getFrom () -> getAddress () . "/" ,
$fileContent );
$dto = $api -> email () -> fromFile (
new EmailFromFileRequest ( 'Eml' , $eml ));
$this -> assertEquals (
$emailDto -> getFrom () -> getAddress (),
$dto -> getFrom () -> getAddress ());
More Tutorials
See more Aspose Email Tutorials: