Add a pivot table in an Excel worksheet

This REST API indicates to add a pivot table into worksheet.



The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
name string path Document name.
sheetName string path The worksheet name.
request body CreatePivotTableRequest dto in request body.
folder string query Document’s folder.
storageName string query storage name.
sourceData string query The data for the new PivotTable cache.
destCellName string query The cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report’s destination range.
tableName string query The name of the new PivotTable report.
useSameSource boolean query Indicates whether using same data source when another existing pivot table has used this data source. If the property is true, it will save memory.

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

Cloud SDK Family

Using an SDK is the best way to speed up the development. An SDK takes care of low-level details and lets you focus on your project tasks. Please check out the GitHub repository for a complete list of Aspose.Cells Cloud SDKs.

The following code examples demonstrate how to make calls to Aspose.Cells web services using various SDKs: