Working with Text Portions


Formatting text in PowerPoint documents allows you to give your slides a professional look and enhance their readability. Here are the main ways to format text in PowerPoint presentations using Aspose.Slides Cloud API:

  1. Font and Size: You can set a suitable font and text size that is readable for an audience.
  2. Text Color: You can select a text color that contrasts well with the slide background and ensures good readability.
  3. Bold, Italic, Underline: Use these tools to emphasize important information or create accents in the text.

Aspose.Slides Cloud SDKs allow you to change these and many other properties of text portions.

Using the methods described in the articles below, you can read, add, modify, and delete text portions from special slides (Master, Layout, or Notes) in PowerPoint presentations. These methods are identical to those that work with regular slides.
