Working with Folders in Storage – Aspose.HTML Cloud

Working with Folders

Aspose.HTML Cloud allows you to work with files and folders in cloud storage. The most common storage use cases are cloud backup, disaster recovery, and archiving infrequently accessed data.

Aspose.HTML Cloud v4.0 allows you to work with and manipulate folders in cloud storage and provides the ability to use its functionality either directly through the REST API or through a set of wrappers implemented as SDKs for various programming languages, such as Python, PHP, Java/Android, Swift, C#, Node.js, and Ruby.

Examples of Working with Folders in Storage

Example 1. Check if a directory exists in storage

The examples below demonstrate how to check if a directory exists in the storage. The directory is specified by a path and the storage is specified by the storage name.

Example 2: Create a directory in specified or default storage

The examples below demonstrate how to create a directory in the storage. All parent directories specified in the directory Uri path will be created too if they don’t exist.

Example 3: Delete a directory by a specified path from specified or default storage

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