Update a Series Group


A group of chart data series contains series properties that are common for each series in the group. Series groups are generated automatically based on types of series contained in the chart object. Aspose.Slide Cloud allows you to retrieve such groups and update their properties.


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/shapes/{shapeIndex}/seriesGroup/{seriesGroupIndex} PUT Updates properties of a chart data series group in a presentation saved in a storage. SetChartSeriesGroup

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
name string path true The name of a presentation file.
slideIndex integer path true The 1-based index of a presentation slide.
shapeIndex integer path true The 1-based index of a shape (must be a chart).
seriesGroupIndex integer path true The 1-based index of a series group.
seriesGroup ChartSeriesGroup body true The data transfer object with the group properties.
password string header false The password to open the presentation.
folder string query false The path to the folder containing the presentation file.
storage string query false The name of the storage contaning the folder.


The document MyPresentation.pptx, saved in the default storage, contains a column chart (the second shape) on the first slide. Set the chart column overlap to 50% of the column width.

The column chart

cURL Solution

SDK Solutions

The result:

The column chart


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