Sending receipt for recognition

To extract a text from a scanned or photographed receipt, send a POST request to the Aspose.OCR Cloud REST API endpoint. To authorize the request, pass the access token in Authorization header (Bearer authentication).

The receipt and recognition parameters are provided in JSON format in the request body.

  "image": "Base64 string",
  "settings": {
    "language": "English",
    "makeSkewCorrect": true,
    "rotate": 0,
    "makeBinarization": false,
    "makeContrastCorrection": true,
    "makeUpsampling": false,
    "makeSpellCheck": false,
    "dsrMode": "Regions",
    "dsrConfidence": "Default",
    "resultType": "Text"

Providing a scanned receipt

Photo or scan of the receipt is provided in a value of image property as a Base64 encoded string.

Recognition settings

Property Type Default value Description
language string English Specify a language for recognition.
makeSkewCorrect boolean true Automatically correct receipt image tilt (deskew) before proceeding to recognition.
Automatic deskew works for images rotated 15 degrees or less. If the scan or photo is rotated by a larger degree or upside down, you must manually specify the rotation angle.
rotate integer 0 Rotate a receipt image by the specified degree.
Should be used when the image is rotated by a significant angle or turned upside down.
makeBinarization boolean false Automatically convert a receipt to black and white before proceeding to recognition.
makeContrastCorrection boolean true Automatically increase the contrast of a receipt image before proceeding to recognition.
makeUpsampling boolean false Intellectually upscale receipt image to improve small font recognition and detection of dense lines.
makeSpellCheck boolean false Automatically replace commonly misspelled words in recognition results with the correct ones. The dictionary is based on the selected recognition language.
dsrMode string Regions Document structure analysis algorithm.
dsrConfidence string Default Threshold for filtering content blocks detected by the selected structure analysis algorithm.
resultType string Text Recognition result format.

Image preprocessing order

If image preprocessing filters are enabled, they are applied one after the other in the following order:

  1. Contrast correction ("makeContrastCorrection": true)
  2. Upsampling ("makeUpsampling": true)
  3. Skew correction ("makeSkewCorrect": true)

If you want to apply preprocessing filters in another order, disable the corresponding recognition settings and use self-managed preprocessing.

Return value

If successful, this method returns a string with a unique identifier (GUID) of the receipt recognition request in the queue.

Otherwise, it returns a HTTP status code corresponding to the error.

What’s next

Recognition will take a few seconds, depending on the size of the source file and the current Aspose.Cloud load. See the article Fetching receipt recognition result for information on how to get a receipt recognition result from the server.

cURL example