Sending image for upsampling

Using the recognition setting

The makeUpsampling recognition setting is available for all image recognition methods. To automatically upsample the image during the recognition, simply set this option to true.

While this greatly simplifies the code, you have no control over the intermediate results or the order in which the preprocessing filters are applied to the image.

Using the dedicated endpoint

Posting an image to the Aspose.OCR Cloud endpoint allows you to fetch a resized image that can be handled by other processing filters or recognized. To authorize the request, pass the access token in Authorization header (Bearer authentication).

The image is provided in a value of image property as a Base64 encoded string.

Return value

If successful, the endpoint returns a string with a unique identifier (GUID) of the upsampling request in the queue.

Otherwise, it returns a HTTP status code corresponding to the error.

What’s next

Upsampling will take a few seconds, depending on the image size and the current Aspose.Cloud load. See the article Fetching resized image for information on how to get back the resized image.

cURL example