Fetching table recognition result

When a table is submitted for recognition, it is queued to ensure a stable response even under high load. To obtain the result, send a GET request to the https://api.aspose.cloud/v5.0/ocr/RecognizeTable Aspose.OCR Cloud REST API endpoint. To authorize the request, pass the access token in Authorization header (Bearer authentication).

Provide the unique identifier of the recognition task in id parameter:

curl --request GET --location 'https://api.aspose.cloud/v5.0/ocr/RecognizeTable?id=db212989-42b9-422c-8e0d-70acb08474a6' \
--header 'Accept: text/plain' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...HaRYOxBcCRCPLnrFCVXpw7UA' \

Recognition results

The recognition result is returned in JSON format in the response body.

	"id": "db212989-42b9-422c-8e0d-70acb08474a6",
	"taskStatus": "Completed",
	"responseStatusCode": "Ok",
	"results": [
			"type": "Csv",
	"error": null
Property Type Description
id string Unique identifier of the recognition task. Equals to the value of the id request property.
taskStatus string Current state of the recognition task in the queue.
responseStatusCode string Recognition response status.
results array Recognition results (depend on the resultType property of the recognition task).
All results (including plain text and CSV) are returned as Base64 encoded strings. You must decode them to display on the screen or save to a file.
error/messages string[] Recognition error messages, if any.
Even if the table is recognized, you can still get notifications and warnings about non-fatal recognition errors.

Task statuses

Recognition may take up to several seconds depending on the Aspose.OCR cloud load and table size. The status of the recognition task is indicated in the taskStatus property of the recognition result.

Status code Description To do
Pending The table is queued for recognition, but not yet processed. Try fetching the result in a couple of seconds using the same ID.
Processing The table is currently recognized. Fetch the result again using the same ID.
Completed The table is recognized. Read the recognition result from results property.
Error An error occurred during recognition. Check messages in the error property for more information.
NotExist The request with the specified ID does not exist, or the result has already been deleted from the cloud storage. Check the ID or send the table for recognition again with the same parameters.