Getting Started – Aspose.HTML Cloud

Aspose.HTML Cloud provides two main points – the conversion feature and the cloud storage access functionality. This article introduces you with Aspose.HTML Cloud v4.0 abilities to use its functionality both by the REST API directly or by the set of wrappers implemented as SDKs on the various programming languages.

These instructions will help you create a free account, obtain user credentials, and initialize the Aspose.HTML Cloud API:

Aspose.HTML Cloud v4.0 provides the ability to use its functionality both by the REST API directly or by the set of wrappers implemented as SDKs on the various programming languages.

REST API is a low-level interface to work directly with the Aspose.HTML Cloud product service by HTTP requests. It provides full control over the HTTP operation results, but it requires more routine work to prepare HTTP requests and handle responses. Aspose.HTML REST API offers many features to manipulate directories and files stored in the cloud storage associated with user applications.

It’s more preferable to use SDKs than a direct call of REST API. The SDK usage provides the following preferences:

Anyway, a developer who wants to have more flexibility and direct control on the API execution can always decide to use Aspose.HTML Cloud REST API directly.

You can download Aspose.HTML Cloud SDKs of your required platform from GitHub.