Business Cards Recognition Introduction
VCF (Virtual Card Format) or vCard is a digital file format for storing contact information and is a file format standard for electronic business cards . vCards are often attached to e-mail messages but can be exchanged in other ways. The format is widely used for data interchange among popular information exchange applications. A vCard usually contains name and address information, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, URLs, logos, photographs, and any audio clips. A vCard is used as a data interchange format in personal digital assistants (PDAs), personal information managers (PIMs) and customer relationship management (CRMs).
If you want to know more about working with
VCard files — take a look at the Aspose Email Cloud tutorial:
Quick Start With VCard API .
Owing to the importance and emerging needs for this format, Aspose.Email Cloud has been enriched to support this format. The Business cards recognition API is a card scanner, which allows you to convert captured business cards and name card images, into a vCard format, for later to be stored as contacts. In simple words, it enables us to convert images into VCard format.
The following image depicts a conversion flow from a business card to vCard format.
Parse Business Card Image to VCard
Copy using ( var file = File . OpenRead ( "path/to/file.png" ))
var result = await api . Ai . Bcr . ParseAsync (
new AiBcrParseRequest ( file , isSingle : true ));
Console . WriteLine ( result . Value . First (). DisplayName )
Copy byte [] fileBytes = IOUtils . toByteArray (
new FileInputStream (
"some/business/card/image/on/disk.png" ));
ContactList result = api . ai (). bcr (). parse (
new AiBcrParseRequest ( fileBytes , null , null , true ));
ContactDto firstVCard = result . getValue (). get ( 0 );
Copy image_file = 'path/to/business/card/image.png'
result = api . ai . bcr . parse (
models . AiBcrParseRequest ( image_file ))
contact = result . value [ 0 ]
display_name = contact . display_name
Copy image = File . new ( 'path/to/business/card/image.png' )
result = api . ai . bcr . parse (
AiBcrParseRequest . new ( file : image , is_single : true ))
contact = result . value [ 0 ]
display_name = contact . display_name
Copy const imageData = fs . readFileSync (
'path/to/business/card/image.png' );
const result = await api . ai . bcr . parse (
new AiBcrParseRequest (
imageData , undefined , undefined , true ));
const contact = result . value [ 0 ];
const displayName = contact . displayName ;
Copy $path = 'path/to/business/card/image.png' ;
$result = $api -> ai () -> bcr () -> parse (
new AiBcrParseRequest (
new SplFileObject ( $path ),
null ,
null ,
true ));
$contact = $result -> getValue ()[ 0 ];
$displayName = $contact -> getDisplayName ();
Image Located on Storage
Please try using ParseStorage method from AiBcrApi to recognize VCard from an image located on storage.
Copy var storageName = "First Storage" ;
var outFolderPath = "path/to/out/folder/on/storage" ;
StorageFileLocationList result = await api . Ai . Bcr . ParseStorageAsync (
new AiBcrParseStorageRequest (
new StorageFolderLocation ( storageName , outFolderPath ),
new List < AiBcrImageStorageFile >
new AiBcrImageStorageFile ( true ,
new StorageFileLocation (
storageName ,
"image/location/on/storage" ,
"image.png" ))
}, null ));
StorageFileLocation contactFile = result . Value . First ();
using ( var contactFileStream = await api . CloudStorage . File . DownloadFileAsync (
new DownloadFileRequest (
$"{contactFile.FolderPath} /{contactFile.FileName} " ,
contactFile . Storage )))
using ( var memoryStream = new MemoryStream ())
await contactFileStream . CopyToAsync ( memoryStream );
var contactFileContent = Encoding . UTF8 . GetString ( memoryStream . ToArray ());
Constole . WriteLine ( contactFileContent );
Copy String storage = "First Storage" ;
String folder = "image/location/on/storage" ;
String fileName = "image.png" ;
String outFolderPath = "path/to/out/folder/on/storage" ;
ListResponseOfStorageFileLocation result =
api . ai (). bcr (). parseStorage (
new AiBcrParseStorageRequest (
new StorageFolderLocation ( storage , outFolderPath ),
Collections . singletonList (
new AiBcrImageStorageFile (
true ,
new StorageFileLocation (
storage ,
folder ,
fileName ))),
null ));
StorageFileLocation contactFile = result . getValue (). get ( 0 );
byte [] contactBytes = api . cloudStorage (). file (). downloadFile (
new DownloadFileRequest (
contactFile . getFolderPath () + "/" + contactFile . getFileName (),
contactFile . getStorage (),
null ));
String contactFileContent = new String ( contactBytes , "UTF-8" );
Copy storage = 'First Storage'
folder = 'image/location/on/storage'
file_name = 'image.png'
out_folder_path = 'path/to/out/folder/on/storage'
result = api . ai . bcr . parse_storage (
models . AiBcrParseStorageRequest (
images = [ models . AiBcrImageStorageFile (
True ,
models . StorageFileLocation (
storage ,
folder ,
file_name ))],
out_folder = models . StorageFolderLocation (
storage , out_folder_path )))
contact_file = result . value [ 0 ]
downloaded = api . cloud_storage . file . download_file (
models . DownloadFileRequest (
contact_file . folder_path + "/" + contact_file . file_name ,
storage ))
with open ( downloaded , 'r' ) as f :
file_data = f . read ()
Copy storage = 'First Storage'
folder = 'image/location/on/storage'
file_name = 'image.png'
out_folder = 'path/to/out/folder/on/storage'
result = api . ai . bcr . parse_storage (
AiBcrParseStorageRequest . new (
out_folder : StorageFolderLocation . new (
storage : storage ,
folder_path : out_folder ),
images : [ AiBcrImageStorageFile . new (
is_single : true ,
file : StorageFileLocation . new (
storage : storage ,
folder_path : folder ,
file_name : file_name )) ] ))
contact_file = result . value [ 0 ]
downloaded = api . cloud_storage . file . download_file (
DownloadFileRequest . new (
path : " #{ contact_file . folder_path } / #{ contact_file . file_name } " ,
storage_name : contact_file . storage ))
content = IO . read ( downloaded )
Copy const storage = "First Storage" ;
const folder = "image/location/on/storage" ;
const fileName = "image.png" ;
const outFolderPath = "path/to/out/folder/on/storage" ;
const result = await api . ai . bcr . parseStorage (
new AiBcrParseStorageRequest (
new StorageFolderLocation ( storage , outFolderPath ),
[ new AiBcrImageStorageFile ( true ,
new StorageFileLocation ( storage , folder , fileName ))]));
const contactFile = result . value [ 0 ];
const contactBinary = await api . cloudStorage . file . downloadFile (
new DownloadFileRequest (
contactFile . folderPath + '/' + contactFile . fileName ,
storage ));
const contactString = contactBinary . toString ();
Copy $storage = "First Storage" ;
$folder = "image/location/on/storage" ;
$fileName = "image.png" ;
$outFolderPath = "path/to/out/folder/on/storage" ;
$result = $api -> ai () -> bcr () -> parseStorage (
new AiBcrParseStorageRequest (
new StorageFolderLocation ( $storage , $outFolderPath ),
array ( new AiBcrImageStorageFile (
true ,
new StorageFileLocation (
$storage ,
$folder ,
$fileName )))));
$contactFile = $result -> getValue ()[ 0 ];
$contactTempFile = $api -> cloudStorage () -> file () -> downloadFile (
new DownloadFileRequest (
$contactFile -> getFolderPath () . "/" . $contactFile -> getFileName (),
$storage ));
$fileContent = $contactTempFile -> fread ( $contactTempFile -> getSize ());
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