Get Available Fonts Introduction
Aspose.Slides Cloud API provides a method that allows getting list of fonts installed in the system. You can optionally pass fontsFolder parameter to this method specifying a storage folder that contains custom fonts. The fonts contained in that folder are added to the result list. You can check FontData.IsCustom property of any item in the returned list to determine whether it is a custom font.
Returns system fonts info.
cURL Example
The code example below show how to obtain the list of available fonts.
SDK Examples
Copy SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi ( "MyClientId" , "MyClientSecret" );
FontsData fonts = api . GetAvailableFonts ( "customFonts" );
Console . WriteLine ( "List of available fonts:" );
foreach ( FontData font in fonts . List )
Console . Write ( font . FontName );
if ( font . IsCustom == true )
Console . Write ( " (custom)" );
Console . WriteLine ();
Copy SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi ( "MyClientId" , "MyClientSecret" );
System . out . println ( "List of available fonts:" );
FontsData fonts = api . getAvailableFonts ( "customFonts" , null );
for ( FontData font : fonts . getList ()) {
System . out . print ( font . getFontName ());
if ( font . getIsCustom () != null && font . getIsCustom ())
System . out . print ( " (custom)" );
System . out . println ();
Copy use Aspose \Slides \Cloud \Sdk \Api \Configuration ;
use Aspose \Slides \Cloud \Sdk \Api \SlidesApi ;
$config = new Configuration ();
$config -> setAppSid ( "MyClientId" );
$config -> setAppKey ( "MyClientSecret" );
$api = new SlidesApi ( null , $config );
$fonts = $api -> getAvailableFonts ( "customFonts" );
print ( "List of available fonts: \n " );
foreach ( $fonts -> getList () as $font )
print ( $font -> getFontName ());
if ( $font -> getIsCustom ())
print ( " (custom)" );
print ( " \n " );
Copy configuration = AsposeSlidesCloud :: Configuration . new
configuration . app_sid = "MyClientId"
configuration . app_key = "MyClientSecret"
api = AsposeSlidesCloud :: SlidesApi . new ( configuration )
fonts = api . get_available_fonts ( "customFonts" )
puts ( "List of available fonts:" )
for font in fonts . list
print ( font . font_name )
if font . is_custom
print ( " (custom)" )
puts ( "" )
Copy import asposeslidescloud
from asposeslidescloud.configuration import Configuration
from asposeslidescloud.apis.slides_api import SlidesApi
configuration = Configuration ()
configuration . app_sid = 'MyClientId'
configuration . app_key = 'MyClientSecret'
api = SlidesApi ( configuration )
fonts = api . get_available_fonts ( "customFonts" )
print ( "List of available fonts:" )
for font in fonts . list :
print ( font . font_name , end = "" )
if font . is_custom :
print ( " (custom)" , end = "" )
print ( "" )
Copy const CloudSdk = require ( "asposeslidescloud" );
const api = new CloudSdk . SlidesApi ( "MyClientId" , "MyClientSecret" );
let fonts = await api . getAvailableFonts ( "customFonts" );
console . log ( "List of available fonts:" );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < fonts . body . list ; i ++ ) {
process . stdout . write ( fonts . body . list [ i ]. font_name );
if ( fonts . body . list [ i ]. isCustom ) {
process . stdout . write ( " (custom)" );
console . log ( "" );
Copy cfg := asposeslidescloud . NewConfiguration ()
cfg . AppSid = "MyClientId"
cfg . AppKey = "MyClientSecret"
api := asposeslidescloud . NewAPIClient ( cfg )
fonts , _ , e := api . SlidesApi . GetAvailableFonts ( "customFonts" , "" )
if e != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "Error: %v." , e )
fmt . Printf ( "List of available fonts:\n" )
for _ , font := range fonts . GetList () {
fmt . Printf ( "%v" , font . GetFontName ())
if font . GetIsCustom () {
fmt . Printf ( " (custom)" )
fmt . Printf ( "\n" )
Copy use AsposeSlidesCloud::Configuration ;
use AsposeSlidesCloud::SlidesApi ;
my $config = AsposeSlidesCloud::Configuration -> new ();
$config -> { app_sid } = "MyClientId" ;
$config -> { app_key } = "MyClientSecret" ;
my $api = AsposeSlidesCloud::SlidesApi -> new ( config => $config );
my %params = ( 'fonts_folder' => 'customFonts' );
my $fonts = $api -> get_available_fonts ( %params );
print "List of available fonts:\n" ;
foreach my $font ( @ ($ fonts -> { list })) {
print $font -> { font_name };
if ( $font -> { is_custom }) {
print " (custom)" ;
print "\n" ;
SDK Source
The Aspose for Cloud SDKs can be downloaded from the following page: Available SDKs