
This element is used to add vertical spacing equal to one line of text between other elements.


EmptyLine element is declared as an object with "element_type": "EmptyLine" property.

	"element_type": "EmptyLine",

Required properties

Name Type Description
element_type string Must be "EmptyLine" (case-insensitive).

Optional properties

Name Type Default value Description
name string n/a Used as a reminder of the element’s purpose; for example, “Section break”. You can use the same value for multiple elements.
This text is not displayed on the form.
height integer One line of text using the default font Vertical spacing height, in pixels. Overrides the default line height.

Allowed child elements



	"element_type": "Template",
	"children": [
			"element_type": "Page",
			"children": [
					"element_type": "Text",
					"name": "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,"
					"element_type": "EmptyLine",
					"height": 200
					"element_type": "Text",
					"name": "Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore"

Vertical spacing