Working with Folders


Aspose.Slides Cloud API provides you with the ability to create and manage folders in storages. Folders in storages perform the same basic functions as on your computer. You can use the following methods to create new folders, delete, copy, move, and retrieve information about them.


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/storage/folder/{path} GET Retrieves information about all files and folders within a folder. GetFilesList

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
path string path true The path to the folder.
storageName string query false The name of a storage where the folder is located.


In the MyStorage storage, there is a folder named MyFolder. Get information about all files and folders in the MyFolder folder.

cURL Solution

SDK Solutions


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/storage/folder/{path} PUT Creates a folder in a storage. CreateFolder

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
path string path true The path to the folder to be created.
storageName string query false The name of a storage.


Create a folder named MyPresentations in the MyFolder folder located in the MyStorage storage.

cURL Solution

SDK Solutions


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/storage/folder/{path} DELETE Deletes a folder from a storage. DeleteFolder

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
path string path true The path to the folder to be deleted.
storageName string query false The name of a storage.
recursive boolean query false Enable to delete subfolders and files. The default value is false.


Delete the folder MyPresentations from the folder MyFolder located in the storage MyStorage. Also, delete subfolders and files.

cURL Solution

SDK Solutions


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/storage/folder/copy/{srcPath} PUT Copies an existing folder to a new folder. CopyFolder

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
srcPath string path true The path to the folder to be copied.
destPath string query true The path to the destination folder.
srcStorageName string query false The name of a source storage.
destStorageName string query false The name of a destination storage.


In the default storage, copy the MyPresentations folder from MyFolder1 to MyFolder2.

cURL Solution

SDK Solutions


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/storage/folder/move/{srcPath} PUT Moves a folder to a new location. MoveFolder

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
srcPath string path true The path to the folder to be moved.
destPath string query true The path to the new location.
srcStorageName string query false The name of a source storage.
destStorageName string query false The name of a destination storage.


In the default storage, move the MyPresentations folder from MyFolder1 to MyFolder2.

cURL Solution

SDK Solutions


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