Working with Animations


Aspose.Slides Cloud allows you to read, add, and modify animations in a PowerPoint slide. The resource properties are explained below.

SlideAnimation properties

Property Name Type Description
MainSequence Effect array The list of main sequence effects.
InteractiveSequences InteractiveSequence array The list of interactive sequences.

InteractiveSequence properties

Property Name Type Description
Effects Effect array The list of sequence effects.
TriggerShapeIndex int The index of the shape that triggers the sequence.

Effect properties

Property Name Type Description
Type EffectType enum Effect type.
Subtype Subtype enum Effect subtype.
PresetClassType EffectPresetClassType enum Preset class type.
ShapeIndex int The index of the shape to which the effect applies.
ParagraphIndex int The index of the paragraph to which the effect applies.
TriggerType EffectTriggerType enum Effect trigger type.
Accelerate float The percentage of duration accelerate behavior effect.
Decelerate float The percentage of duration decelerate behavior effect.
AutoReverse bool True to automatically play the animation in reverse after playing it in the forward direction.
Duration float The duration of animation effect.
RepeatCount float The number of times the effect should repeat.
RepeatDuration float The duration at which the effect should repeat.
Restart enum The way for a effect to restart after complete.
Speed float The percentage by which to speed up (or slow down) the timing.
TriggerDelayTime float Delay time after trigger.

EffectType, EffectSubtype and EffectPresetClassType

Type Valid subtypes Valid classes
Appear None Entrance or Exit
CurveUpDown None Entrance or Exit
Ascend None Entrance or Exit
Blast None Emphasis
Blinds Horizontal or Vertical Entrance or Exit
Blink None Emphasis
BoldFlash None Emphasis
BoldReveal None Emphasis
Boomerang None Entrance or Exit
Bounce None Entrance or Exit
Box In or Out Entrance or Exit
BrushOnColor None Emphasis
BrushOnUnderline None Emphasis
CenterRevolve None Entrance or Exit
ChangeFillColor Instant, Gradual, GradualAndCycleClockwise or GradualAndCycleCounterClockwise Emphasis
ChangeFont Instant or Gradual Emphasis
ChangeFontColor Instant, Gradual, GradualAndCycleClockwise or GradualAndCycleCounterClockwise Emphasis
ChangeFontSize Instant or Gradual Emphasis
ChangeFontStyle FontBold, FontItalic or FontUnderline Emphasis
ChangeLineColor Instant, Gradual, GradualAndCycleClockwise or GradualAndCycleCounterClockwise Emphasis
Checkerboard Vertical or Across Entrance or Exit
Circle In or Out Entrance or Exit
ColorBlend None Emphasis
ColorTypewriter None Entrance or Exit
ColorWave None Emphasis
ComplementaryColor None Emphasis
ComplementaryColor2 None Emphasis
Compress None Entrance or Exit
ContrastingColor None Emphasis
Crawl Right, Left, Top or Bottom Entrance or Exit
Credits None Entrance or Exit
Credits None Entrance or Exit
Darken None Emphasis
Desaturate None Emphasis
Descend None Entrance or Exit
Diamond In or Out Entrance or Exit
Dissolve None Entrance or Exit
EaseInOut None Entrance or Exit
Expand None Entrance or Exit
Fade None Entrance or Exit
FadedSwivel None Entrance or Exit
FadedZoom None Entrance or Exit
FlashBulb None Emphasis
FlashOnce None Entrance or Exit
FlashBulb None Emphasis
Flicker None Emphasis
Flip None Entrance or Exit
Float None Entrance or Exit
Fly Right, Left, Top, Bottom, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft or BottomRight Entrance or Exit
Fold None Entrance or Exit
Glide None Entrance or Exit
GrowAndTurn None Entrance or Exit
GrowShrink None Emphasis
GrowWithColor None Emphasis
Lighten None Emphasis
LightSpeed None Entrance or Exit
MediaPause None Media (applicable to video frames and audio frames)
MediaPlay None Media (applicable to video frames and audio frames)
MediaStop None Media (applicable to video frames and audio frames)
Path4PointStar None Path
Path5PointStar None Path
Path6PointStar None Path
Path8PointStar None Path
PathArcDown None Path
PathArcLeft None Path
PathArcRight None Path
PathArcUp None Path
PathBean None Path
PathBounceLeft None Path
PathBounceRight None Path
PathBuzzsaw None Path
PathCircle None Path
PathCrescentMoon None Path
PathCurvedSquare None Path
PathCurvedX None Path
PathCurvyLeft None Path
PathCurvyRight None Path
PathCurvyStar None Path
PathDecayingWave None Path
PathDiagonalDownRight None Path
PathDiagonalUpRight None Path
PathDiamond None Path
PathDown None Path
PathEqualTriangle None Path
PathFigure8Four None Path
PathFootball None Path
PathFunnel None Path
PathHeart None Path
PathHeartbeat None Path
PathHexagon None Path
PathHorizontalFigure8 None Path
PathInvertedSquare None Path
PathInvertedTriangle None Path
PathLeft None Path
PathLoopdeLoop None Path
PathNeutron None Path
PathOctagon None Path
PathParallelogram None Path
PathPeanut None Path
PathPentagon None Path
PathPlus None Path
PathPointyStar None Path
PathRight None Path
PathRightTriangle None Path
PathSCurve1 None Path
PathSCurve2 None Path
PathSineWave None Path
PathSpiralLeft None Path
PathSpiralRight None Path
PathSpring None Path
PathSquare None Path
PathStairsDown None Path
PathSwoosh None Path
PathTeardrop None Path
PathTrapezoid None Path
PathTurnDown None Path
PathTurnRight None Path
PathTurnUp None Path
PathTurnUpRight None Path
PathUp None Path
PathWave None Path
PathZigzag None Path
Peek None Entrance or Exit
Pinwheel None Entrance or Exit
Plus In or Out Entrance or Exit
RandomBars Horizontal or Vertical Entrance or Exit
RandomEffects None Entrance or Exit
RizeUp None Entrance
Shimmer None Emphasis
Sling None Entrance or Exit
Spin None Emphasis
Spinner None Emphasis
Spiral None Entrance or Exit
Split HorizontalIn, HorizontalOut, VerticalIn or VerticalOut Entrance or Exit
Stretch Right, Left, Top, Bottom or Across Entrance or Exit
Strips UpLeft, UpRight, DownLeft or DownRight Entrance or Exit
StyleEmphasis None Emphasis
Swish None Entrance or Exit
Swivel Horizontal or Vertical Entrance or Exit
Teeter None Emphasis
Thread None Emphasis
Transparency None Emphasis
Unfold None Entrance or Exit
VerticalGrow None Emphasis
Wave None Emphasis
Wedge None Entrance or Exit
Wheel Wheel1, Wheel2, EffectSubtype.Wheel3, EffectSubtype.Wheel4 or EffectSubtype.Wheel8 None
Whip None Entrance or Exit
Wipe Right, Left, Top or Bottom Entrance or Exit
Magnify None Entrance or Exit
Zoom In, Out, InCenter, OutBottom - only for Entrance class, OutSlightly, InSlightly, OutCenter or InBottom - only for Exit class Entrance or Exit
OLEObjectShow None OLEActionVerbs (applicable to OLE object frames)
OLEObjectEdit None OLEActionVerbs (applicable to OLE object frames)
OLEObjectOpen None OLEActionVerbs (applicable to OLE object frames)

Resource Demonstration