Working with Stamps


Using Aspose.PDF Cloud allows you to add Stamp Information to a PDF Document. 

Stamp Types

API Information

The Aspose.PDF Cloud API uses the following API Resource Properties for adding stamps to a PDF Document

Property Name  Type  Description  RO/RW 
Background  bool  Indicates that the content is stamped as background.  RW 
Type  string  The stamp type, available valuse are: Text, Image, Page, PageNumber  RW 
FileName  string  Image or stamp document path. Used for Image and Page stamps only.  RW 
Value  string  Stamp value, used for Text and PageNumber stamps.  RW 
XIndent  double  Horizontal stamp coordinate, starting from the left.  RW 
YIndent  double  Vertical stamp coordinate, starting from the bottom.  RW 
PageIndex  int  Stamp document page number, used for Page stamps only.  RW 
Height  double  Image height, used for Image stamp.  RW 
Width  double  Image width, used for Image stamp.  RW 
Zoom  double  Zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp.  RW 
LeftMargin  double  Left margin of the stamp.  RW 
RightMargin  double  Right margin of the stamp.  RW 
TopMargin  double  Top margin of the stamp.  RW 
BottomMargin  double  Bottom margin of the stamp.  RW 
Opacity  double  A value to indicate the stamp opacity. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0. By default the value is 1.0.  RW 
Rotate  string  This property is for set angles which are multiples of 90degrees (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). To set arbitrary angle use RotateAngleproperty. Supported values are:None,on90,on180,on270.  RW 
RotateAngle  double  Rotate angle of the stamp in degrees. This property allows to set arbitrary rotate angle.  RW 
TextAlignment  string  Alignment of the text inside the stamp. Possible values are: None, Left, Center, Right.  RW 
VerticalAlignment  string  Vertical alignment of stamp on page. The value is from the set: None, Top, Center, Bottom.  RW 
StartingNumber  int  The number of starting page. Other pages will be numbered starting from this value. Used for?PageNumber stamps only.  RW 
TextState  complex:TextState  The stamp text state, used for Text and PageNumber stamps only. See detailed data below.  RW
TextState properties
Property Name  Type  Description  RO/RW 
BackgroundColor  complex:Color  Background text color.  RW 
Font  string  Font name.  RW 
FontSize  float  Font size.  RW 
FontStyle  string  Font style, supported values are: Bold, Italic. Normal style is used by default.  RW 
ForegroundColor  comlex:Color  Foreground text color.  RW 
Color properties
Property Name  Type  Description  RO/RW 
byte  Alpha.  RW 
byte  Red.  RW 
byte  Green.  RW 
byte  Blue.  RW