Add or Replace Polyline Annotations in a PDF Document


Aspose.PDF Cloud allows you to add or replace Polyline Annotation information in a PDF Document. Aspose.PDF Cloud provide the following API to achieve this

API Information

API Type Description Swagger Link
/pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polyline POST Add document page polyline annotations. PostPagePolylineAnnotations
/pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/ployline PUT Replace document polylineannotation PutPolylineAnnotation

cURL Example

Suppose, we have the following Polyline Annotation information which need to be added in a document page.


        "InteriorColor": {

          "A": 255,

          "R": 220,

          "G": 220,

          "B": 220


        "StartingStyle": "Circle",

        "EndingStyle": "OpenArrow",

        "Intent": "PolyLineDimension",

        "Vertices": [


            "X": 164.611,

            "Y": 499.629



            "X": 192.858,

            "Y": 509.857



            "X": 226.461,

            "Y": 493.785



        "CreationDate": "02/25/2011 01:23:45.000 PM",

        "Subject": "Polygonal Line",

        "Title": "Maxim",

        "RichText": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><body xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xfa=\"\" xfa:APIVersion=\"Acrobat:7.0.0\" xfa:spec=\"2.0.2\" ><p><span style=\"text-decoration:;font-size:10.0pt\">Contents</span></p></body>",

        "Color": {

          "A": 255,

          "R": 70,

          "G": 162,

          "B": 185


        "Contents": "Contents",

        "Modified": "02/25/2011 01:34:18.000 PM",


        "Flags": [



        "Name": "982c6c2d-07b1-498b-bb7d-10143fd3f59c",

        "Rect": {

          "LLX": 156.611,

          "LLY": 491.254,

          "URX": 228.462,

          "URY": 511.857


        "PageIndex": 2,

        "ZIndex": 0,

        "HorizontalAlignment": "Left",

        "VerticalAlignment": "Top",

        "Links": [


            "Href": "/PdfWithAnnotations.pdf/annotations/polyline/GI5TGOZRGU3CYNBZGEWDEMRZFQ2TCMQ",

            "Rel": "self",

            "Type": null,

            "Title": null





    "Links": [


        "Href": "/PdfWithAnnotations.pdf/annotations/polyline/GI5TGOZRGU3CYNBZGEWDEMRZFQ2TCMQ",

        "Rel": "self",

        "Type": null,

        "Title": null




SDK Source

The Aspose.PDF Cloud SDKs can be downloaded from the following page: Available SDKs

SDK Examples

PostPagePolylineAnnotations Examples

PutPagePolylineAnnotations Examples