What's new in Aspose.Cells Cloud

Welcome to what’s new in Aspose.Cells Cloud docs. Use this page to quickly find the latest changes.

Enhancements in Version 24.3

  • Support data deduplication.
  • Support data filling.
  • Support to delete incomplete rows.
  • Support data cleansing.

Enhancements in Version 24.2.1

  • Support data deduplication.

Enhancements in Version 24.1.1

  • Fixed spelling mistakes for several functions.
  • Add the PostFitTallToPages method for page setup controller.
  • Add the PostFitWideToPages method for page setup controller.
  • Optimize save options about paginated.

Enhancements in Version 23.12.0

  • Conversion APIs add region parameter.
  • Protection APIs add region parameter.
  • Assemble data API adds region parameter.
  • Merge files API adds region parameter.
  • Split files API adds region parameter.
  • Import data API adds region parameter.
  • Watermark API adds region parameter.
  • Clear object API adds region parameter.
  • Reverse data API adds region parameter.
  • Rotate data API adds region parameter.

Enhancements in Version 23.11

  • Optimize import xml data into Excel file.
  • Optimize import json data into Excel file.
  • Remove deprecated functions, class and test case.

Enhancements in Version 23.10

  • Fix protect workbook request.
  • Fix range copy API.
  • Optimize workbook protect API.

Enhancements in Version 23.9

  • Support to data sorting on range controller.
  • Support to remove duplicate data on list object.
  • Support to insert slicer for list object.
  • Optimize list object and related objects.

Enhancements in Version 23.8

  • Support to lock API.
  • Optimize protect API.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 23.7

  • Support to repair file.
  • Optimize conversion functions.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 23.6

  • Support to batch lock multi-files.
  • Support to batch unlock multi-files.
  • Support to batch protect multi-files.
  • Support to batch split multi-files.
  • Fix put document property api.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 23.5

  • Fix few methods are misspelled.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 23.4

  • Support import and export XML data.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 23.3

  • Optimize Hyperlink properties.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 23.2

  • Optimize replace API.
  • Optimize Swagger UI.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 23.1

  • Fix the bug for PostCellCharacters method.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.12

  • Support chart axis operation.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.11

  • Add new api for convert to json.
  • Add new api for convert to sql.
  • Add new api for convert to cvs.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.10

  • Add new api for convert to pptx.
  • Add new api for convert to markdown.
  • Add new api for convert to html.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.9

  • Support exporting page to other format file.
  • Add new api for convert to pdf.
  • Add new api for convert to png.
  • Add new api for convert to docx.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.8

  • Support transposing Excel Rows to Columns.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.7

  • Improvement Save API on cells cloud services( add four save option).
  • Optimized LightCellsController on cells cloud.

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.6

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.5

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.4

Aspose.Cells Cloud 22.3