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Represents the msodrawing object.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
Name String True False Gets and sets the name of the shape.
MsoDrawingType String True False Gets mso drawing type.
AutoShapeType String True False Gets and sets the auto shape type.
Placement String True False Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it. The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet.
UpperLeftRow Integer True False Represents upper left corner row index.
Top Integer True False Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of pixels.
UpperLeftColumn Integer True False Represents upper left corner column index.
Left Integer True False Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixels.
LowerRightRow Integer True False Represents lower right corner row index.
Bottom Integer True False Represents the width of the shape’s vertical offset from its lower bottom corner row, in unit of pixels.
LowerRightColumn Integer True False Represents lower right corner column index.
Right Integer True False Represents the width of the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in unit of pixels.
Width Integer True False Represents the width of shape, in unit of pixels.
Height Integer True False Represents the height of shape, in unit of pixel.
X Integer True False Gets and sets the horizontal offset of shape from worksheet left border,in unit of pixels.
Y Integer True False Gets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border,in unit of pixels.
RotationAngle Floating True False Gets and sets the rotation of the shape.
HtmlText String True False Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this textbox.
Text String True False Represents the string in this TextBox object.
AlternativeText String True False Returns or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the object.
TextHorizontalAlignment String True False Gets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the shape.
TextHorizontalOverflow String True False Gets and sets the text horizontal overflow type of the shape which contains text.
TextOrientationType String True False Gets and sets the text orientation type of the shape.
TextVerticalAlignment String True False Gets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the shape.
TextVerticalOverflow String True False Gets and sets the text vertical overflow type of the shape which contains text.
IsGroup Boolean True False Indicates whether the shape is a group.
IsHidden Boolean True False Indicates whether the object is visible.
IsLockAspectRatio Boolean True False True means that don’t allow changes in aspect ratio.
IsLocked Boolean True False True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the sheet is protected.
IsPrintable Boolean True False True if the object is printable
IsTextWrapped Boolean True False Gets and sets the text wrapped type of the shape which contains text.
IsWordArt Boolean True False Indicates whether this shape is a word art.
LinkedCell String True False Gets or sets the worksheet range linked to the control’s value.
ZOrderPosition Integer True False Returns the position of a shape in the z-order.
Font Class:Font True False Represents the font of shape.
Hyperlink String True False Gets the hyperlink of the shape.
link Class:Link True False

Parent Name : LinkElement

Children Name : - ArcShape - AutoShape - Button - CellsDrawing - CheckBox - ComboBox - CommentShape - Form - GroupBox - GroupShape - Label - LineShape - ListBox - OleObject - Oval - Picture - RadioButton - RectangleShape - ScrollBar - Spinner - TextBox - ChartShape