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Represents an OleObject in a worksheet.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
DisplayAsIcon Boolean True False True if the specified object is displayed as an icon and the image will not be auto changed.
FileFormatType String True False Gets and sets the file type of the embedded ole object data
ImageSourceFullName String True False Gets or sets the path and name of the source file for the linked image.
IsAutoSize Boolean True False True indicates that the size of the ole object will be auto changed as the size of snapshot of the embedded content when the ole object is activated.
IsLink Boolean True False Returns true if the OleObject links to the file.
ProgID String True False Gets or sets the ProgID of the OLE object.
SourceFullName String True False Returns the source full name of the source file for the linked OLE object.
Name String True False
MsoDrawingType String True False
AutoShapeType String True False
Placement String True False
UpperLeftRow Integer True False
Top Integer True False
UpperLeftColumn Integer True False
Left Integer True False
LowerRightRow Integer True False
Bottom Integer True False
LowerRightColumn Integer True False
Right Integer True False
Width Integer True False
Height Integer True False
X Integer True False
Y Integer True False
RotationAngle Floating True False
HtmlText String True False
Text String True False
AlternativeText String True False
TextHorizontalAlignment String True False
TextHorizontalOverflow String True False
TextOrientationType String True False
TextVerticalAlignment String True False
TextVerticalOverflow String True False
IsGroup Boolean True False
IsHidden Boolean True False
IsLockAspectRatio Boolean True False
IsLocked Boolean True False
IsPrintable Boolean True False
IsTextWrapped Boolean True False
IsWordArt Boolean True False
LinkedCell String True False
ZOrderPosition Integer True False
Font Class:Font True False
Hyperlink String True False
link Class:Link True False

Parent Name : Shape