Configure Google Drive Storage

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You have to complete following steps to configure the Storage:

  • Create Google account if you don’t have one.
  • Go to Google API console.
  • Create a New Project.
  • In APIs and Services menu, click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES button and enable Google Drive API.
  • Go to Credentials options and add information in OAuth consent screen.
  • Now select OAuth client ID option under Create Credentials menu.
  • Select Web Application as Application Type.
  • Enter in Authorised redirect URIs field.
  • You may first need to add in Authorised domains field as shown below:
  • Once you have created OAuth client ID, take a note of Client ID and Client secret, we will use it shortly.
  • Open, select Storages tab**.**
  • Select Google Drive Storage from Create new storage menu.
  • Enter Storage Name, Client ID and Client secret.
  • Push Generate Refresh Token button and allow access.
  • Allow access
  • Save Storage

Now you can use it by its name in the service API with this account.