Working with Headers and Footers


When talking about headers and footers within a presentation context, we are referring to the minor elements located at the upper and lower regions of your slides. These elements typically encompass a slide number, text footer, and date. The specific placement of headers and footers may vary based on the chosen theme and slide layout. This article shows methods to manage headers and footers in PowerPoint presentations.

API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/headerFooter GET Reads the header and footer information from the slide. GetSlideHeaderFooter
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/headerFooter PUT Sets a header and footer to the slide. SetSlideHeaderFooter
/slides/{name}/headerFooter PUT Sets a header and footer to presentation slides. SetPresentationHeaderFooter

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
name string path true The name of a presentation file.
slideIndex integer path true The 1-based index of the slide.
password string header false The password to open the presentation.
folder string query false The path to the folder containing the presentation.
storage string query false The name of the storage contaning the folder.
Name Type Location Required Description
name string path true The name of a presentation file.
slideIndex integer path true The 1-based index of the slide.
dto object body true The data transfer object with parameters for the header and footer.
password string header false The password to open the presentation.
folder string query false The path to the folder containing the presentation.
storage string query false The name of the storage contaning the folder.
Name Type Location Required Description
name string path true The name of a presentation file.
dto object body true The data transfer object with parameters for the header and footer.
password string header false The password to open the presentation.
folder string query false The path to the folder containing the presentation.
storage string query false The name of the storage contaning the folder.


A MyPresentation.pptx document contains three slides. Enable the date/time with the value “1/2/2023”, footer with the value “A general footer.", and slide numbers for all presentation slides but hide the date/time and the slide number for the first slide, set the footer text for the first slide to “The first footer.".

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