Split a Table Cell


Aspose.Slides.Cloud API provides different options for splitting table cells. There are four of them: by width, by height, by col span and by row span. Last two options can be applied for merged cells. The methods accept a mandatory value argument. In the case of splitting by width or height, you have to specify desired cell width or height accordingly. In the case of splitting by span, the col span or row span value has to be provided.


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/shapes/{shapeIndex}/rows/{rowIndex}/cells/{cellIndex}/splitByWidth/{value} POST Returns table info SplitTableCell
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/shapes/{shapeIndex}/rows/{rowIndex}/cells/{cellIndex}/splitByHeight/{value} POST Returns table info SplitTableCell
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/shapes/{shapeIndex}/rows/{rowIndex}/cells/{cellIndex}/splitByColSpan/{value} POST Returns table info SplitTableCell
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/shapes/{shapeIndex}/rows/{rowIndex}/cells/{cellIndex}/splitByRowSpan/{value} POST Returns table info SplitTableCell


cURL Example

The code example below shows how to split a cell by width. The width of the new cell is 10.

SDK Examples

SDK Source

The Aspose for Cloud SDKs can be downloaded from the following page: Available SDKs