Read Protection Properties


Aspose.Slides Cloud allows you to check whether a presentation is password protected. The method below can be invoked with or without a password parameter. If the password is not specified, some properties in the response will not be available.


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/{name}/protection GET Reads protection properties of a presentation. GetProtectionProperties

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
name string path true The name of the presentation file.
password string header false The password to open the presentation.
folder string query false The path to the folder containing the presentation.
storage string query false The name of the storage contaning the folder.

In case of Amazon S3 storage folder path starts with Amazon S3 bucket name.


Check if the MyPresentation.pptx document is encrypted.

cURL Solution

SDK Solutions


The Aspose.Slides for Cloud SDKs can be downloaded from the following page: Available SDKs.