Delete Notes Slides


When you add speaker notes to a slide, a Notes slide is created in your PowerPoint presentation. The Notes slide can contain text, shapes, etc. The following method allows you to delete the Notes slide associated with a regular slide.

Notes slide


API Information

API Type Description Resource
/slides/{name}/slides/{slideIndex}/notesSlide DELETE Deletes a Notes slide from a presentation saved in a storage. DeleteNotesSlide

Request Parameters

Name Type Location Required Description
name string path true The name of a presentation file saved in the storage.
slideIndex integer path true The 1-based index of the regular slide.
password string header false The password to open the presentation.
folder string query false The folder where the presentation file is located.
storage string query false The storage where the folder is located.

In case of Amazon S3 storage folder path starts with Amazon S3 bucket name.


Delete a Notes slide associated with the second slide from the document MyPresentation.pptx.

cURL Solution

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