Convert Using Custom HTML5 Templates


Presentations are converted to HTML5 using html (Razor) templates. You can upload and use your own templates to override default conversion layout and/or styles.

To use custom templates, you need to,

  1. Create a storage folder.
  2. Upload your custom HTML5 templates to that folder.
  3. Call one of the conversion methods and specify the storage folder as TemplatesPath option value.

Only the last step is repeated for every conversion. The rest is done once. Once you upload your templates, you can use them as much as you need. You have to upload them again only when your templates are modified and need to be refreshed.

You don’t have to store the entire set of templates in your templates folder. E.g. if you wish to render picture frames in a customized way, and leave all the rest as they are, you only need to provide your custom pictureFrame.html file. The application will use default files for all the other templates.

Instead of creating the template(s) from scratch, you can get the default template set by using GetHtml5Templates method, and then modify the template files you need.

The example below shows the conversion to HTML5 using a custom PictureFrame template.

cURL Example

SDK Source

The Aspose for Cloud SDKs can be downloaded from the following page: Available SDKs

SDK Examples