Convert Presentations


You can convert presentations to different formats using Aspose.Slides Cloud API in your applications. Many file formats have common and their own parameters. You can set these parameters, affecting the final result. Password-protected presentations can also be converted to other formats if a password is specified. Sometimes you only need to convert part of a presentation to a different format. You can do this by specifying the indexes of the slides to be converted. In addition, you can also specify a storage folder containing external fonts that can be used in the presentation, and other options.

The following articles describe methods for converting presentations.

Conversion Formats

The Aspose.Slides Cloud API supports converting presentations to the following formats.

File Type Extension
Portable Document Format pdf
Open XML Paper Specification xps
Tag Image File Format tiff
PowerPoint Open XML Presentation pptx
PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show ppsx
PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation pptm
PowerPoint Open XML Macro-enabled Slide Show ppsm
PowerPoint Open XML Template potx
PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Template potm
OpenDocument Presentation odp
OpenDocument Presentation Template otp
PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation ppt
PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show pps
PowerPoint 97-2003 Template pot
Hypertext Markup Language html
Hypertext Markup Language v5 html
Shockwave Flash Movie swf
Scalable Vector Graphics Format svg
JPEG File Interchange Format jpeg
Portable Network Graphic png
Graphical Interchange Format gif
Device Independent Bitmap bmp
OpenDocument Flat XML Presentation fodp
Extensible Application Markup Language xaml
MPEG-4 Video mp4
Markdown md