Conversion Options


You can use various options with the conversion features. The options are provided as JSON data in the request body and can be used with all conversion methods (for presentations, slides, or shapes).

Common Export Options

The following options may be used with any file format that a presentation is converted to:

Name Type Description
DefaultRegularFont string Specifies the default regular font used when a presentation font is not found.
Height double Specifies the height of pages or images in an output document.
Width double Specifies the width of pages or images in an output document.

Format Export Options

The options below are format-specific. Check the tables to see what options can be used with the file format in your conversion operation.

BMP Options

Name Type Description
SlidesLayoutOptions SlidesLayoutOptions Specifies slides layout options.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.

GIF Options

Name Type Description
SlidesLayoutOptions SlidesLayoutOptions Specifies slides layout options.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.

HTML Options

Name Type Description
DeletePicturesCroppedAreas boolean Specifies whether the cropped parts remain as part of the document or not. When true, the cropped parts are removed. When false, they are serialized in the document (and this may result in a larger file).
JpegQuality integer Specifies the quality of JPEG images. The default value is 95.
PicturesCompression PicturesCompressionEnum Specifies the compression level for pictures.
SaveAsZip boolean Specifies whether the output document is saved as a zip file or not.
SlidesLayoutOptions SlidesLayoutOptions Specifies slides layout options.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.
SubDirectoryName string Specifies the subdirectory name in the output zip file to store external files.
SvgResponsiveLayout boolean Specifies whether the layout is made responsive (by excluding the width and height attributes from an SVG container) or not.
Value Description
DocumentResolution Use document resolution. Pictures will not be compressed and used in the output document as-is.
Dpi150 Good quality for web pages and projectors.
Dpi220 Excellent quality on most printers and screens.
Dpi330 Good quality for high-definition (HD) displays.
Dpi72 Default compression level.
Dpi96 Minimize document size for sharing.

HTML5 Options

Name Type Description
AnimateTransitions boolean Specifies whether slide transitions are animated or not.
AnimateShapes boolean Specifies whether shapes are animated or not.

JPG Options

Name Type Description
SlidesLayoutOptions SlidesLayoutOptions Specifies slides layout options.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.

PDF Options

Name Type Description
AccessPermissions AccessPermissionsEnum Specifies the access permissions that will be granted when the document is opened with user access.
AdditionalCommonFontFamilies List<string> Specifies an array of user-defined names of font families to be considered common.
ApplyImageTransparent boolean Specifies whether the ImageTransparentColor option should be applied to images or not.
Compliance ComplianceEnum Specifies a desired conformance level for the generated document.
DrawSlidesFrame boolean Specifies whether each slide is enclosed with a black frame or not.
EmbedFullFonts boolean Specifies whether all characters of fonts or only a used subset should be embedded.
EmbedTrueTypeFontsForASCII boolean Specifies whether common fonts for ASCII (33..127 code range) text should be embedded or not. Fonts for character codes greater than 127 are always embedded. The list of common fonts includes the base 14 PDF fonts and additional user-specified fonts.
ImageTransparentColor string Specifies a transparent color for images.
JpegQuality integer Specifies the quality of JPEG images. The default value is 95.
SlidesLayoutOptions SlidesLayoutOptions Specifies slides layout options.
Password string Specifies the user password to protect the output document.
SaveMetafilesAsPng boolean Specifies whether all metafiles used in a presentation should be converted to PNG images or not.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.
SufficientResolution double Specifies the resolution of images. Affects the output file size, export time, and image quality. The default value is 96.
TextCompression TextCompressionEnum Specifies compression type to be used for all text content.
Value Description
AddOrModifyFields A user may add or modify text annotations, fill in interactive form fields, and, if the bit ModifyContent is also set, create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields).
AssembleDocument A user may assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images), even if the bit ModifyContent is clear.
CopyTextAndGraphics A user may copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document by operations other than that controlled by the bit ExtractTextAndGraphics.
ExtractTextAndGraphics A user may extract text and graphics in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes.
FillExistingFields A user may fill in existing interactive form fields (including signature fields), even if the bit AddOrModifyFields is clear.
HighQualityPrint A user may print the document to a representation from which a faithful digital copy of the PDF content could be generated. When this bit is clear (and the bit PrintDocument is set), printing is limited to a low-level representation of the appearance, possibly of degraded quality.
ModifyContent A user may modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by the bits AddOrModifyFields, FillExistingFields, AssembleDocument.
None A user does not have access permissions.
PrintDocument A user may print the document (perhaps not at the highest quality level, depending on whether the bit HighQualityPrint is also set).
Value Description
Pdf15 Comply with the PDF 1.5 standard.
PdfA1a Comply with the PDF/A-1a standard.
PdfA1b Comply with the PDF/A-1b standard.
PdfUa Comply with the PDF/UA standard.
Value Description
Flate Use flate (ZIP) compression.
None Compression is not applied.

PNG Options

Name Type Description
SlidesLayoutOptions SlidesLayoutOptions Specifies slides layout options.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.

PPTX Options

Name Type Description
Conformance ConformanceEnum Specifies the conformance class to which the PresentationML document conforms.
Value Description
Ecma3762006 The document conforms to the ECMA376:2006.
Iso295002008Transitional The document conforms to the ISO/IEC 29500:2008 Transitional conformance class.
Iso295002008Strict The document conforms to the ISO/IEC 29500:2008 Strict conformance class.

SVG Options

Name Type Description
DeletePicturesCroppedAreas boolean Specifies whether the cropped parts remain as part of the document or not. When true, the cropped parts will be removed. When false, they are serialized in the document (and this may result in a larger file).
Disable3DText boolean Specifies whether the 3D text is disabled in the output SVG image or not.
DisableGradientSplit boolean Specifies whether to disable splitting FromCornerX and FromCenter gradients or not.
DisableLineEndCropping boolean SVG 1.1 lacks the ability to define insets for markers. Aspose.Slides SVG writing engine has a workaround for that problem: it crops the end of the line with an arrow so that the line doesn’t overlap the markers. This option specifies whether this behavior is disabled or not.
ExternalFontsHandling ExternalFontsHandlingEnum Specifies how externally loaded fonts are handled.
JpegQuality integer Specifies the quality of JPEG images. The default value is 95.
MetafileRasterizationDpi integer Specifies the lower resolution limit for metafile rasterization.
PicturesCompression PicturesCompressionEnum Specifies the compression level for pictures.
VectorizeText boolean Specifies whether the text on slides will be saved as graphics or not.
Value Description
AddLinksToFontFiles Add links to separate font files to the style section of the output SVG file.
Embed Save font data directly to the output SVG file. Please check all license agreements for external fonts before using this option.
Vectorize Save all text using external fonts as graphics.
Value Description
DocumentResolution Use document resolution. Pictures will not be compressed and used in the output document as-is.
Dpi150 Good quality for web pages and projectors.
Dpi220 Excellent quality on most printers and screens.
Dpi330 Good quality for high-definition (HD) displays.
Dpi72 Default compression level.
Dpi96 Minimize document size for sharing.

MPEG4 Options

Name Type Description
VideoResolutionType VideoResolutionTypeEnum Video resolution type.
SlidesTransitionDuration integer Slides transition duration.
TransitionType TransitionTypeEnum Video transition type.
TransitionDuration integer Duration of transition defined in TransitionType property.
Value Description
FullHD Full high definition (1920x1080).
SD Standard definition.
HD High definition (1280x720).
QHD Quad high definition (3840x2160).
Value Description
None None.
Fade Fade.
Distance Distance.
Slidedown Slide down.
Slideright Slide right.
Slideleft Slide left.
Slideup Slide up.
Smoothleft Smooth left.
Smoothright Smooth right.
Smoothup Smooth up.
Smoothdown Smooth down.
Rectcrop Recrangle crop.
Circlecrop Circle crop.
Circleclose Circle close.
Circleopen Circle open.
Horzclose Horizontal close.
Horzopen Horizontal open.
Vertclose Vertical close.
Vertopen Vertical open.
Diagbl Diagonal bottom-left.
Diagbr Diagonal bottom-right.
Diagtl Diagonal top-left.
Diagtr Diagonal top-right.
Hlslice Horizontal left slice.
Hrslice Horizontal right slice.
Vuslice Vertical up slice.
Vdslice Verticl down slice.
Dissolve Dissolve.
Pixelize Pixelize.
Radial Radial.

SWF Options

Name Type Description
CommentsAreaColor integer Specifies the color of the comment area. Applies only when comments are displayed on the right.
CommentsAreaWidth integer Specifies the width of the comment area in pixels. Applies only when comments are displayed on the right.
CommentsPosition CommentsPositionEnum Specifies the position of slide comments.
Compressed boolean Specifies whether the generated SWF document should be compressed or not. The default value is true.
EnableContextMenu boolean Specifies whether the context menu is enabled. The default value is true.
JpegQuality integer Specifies the quality of JPEG images. The default value is 95.
LogoImage string Specifies the image that will be displayed as a logo at the top-right corner of the viewer. The image data is a Base64 string. The image should be 32x64 pixels in the PNG format. Otherwise, the logo may be displayed improperly.
LogoLink string Specifies the full hyperlink address for a logo. Has effect only when LogoImage is specified.
NotesPosition NotesPositionEnum Specifies the position of slide notes.
ShowBottomPane boolean Specifies whether to show the bottom pane or not. Can be overridden in flashvars. The default value is true.
ShowCommentsByNoAuthor boolean Specifies whether comments without an author are displayed or not.
ShowFullScreen boolean Specifies whether to show the fullscreen button or not. Can be overridden in flashvars. The default value is true.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.
ShowLeftPane boolean Specifies whether to show the left pane or not. Can be overridden in flashvars. The default value is true.
ShowPageBorder boolean Specifies whether a border around pages is shown or not. The default value is true.
ShowPageStepper boolean Specifies whether to show the page stepper or not. Can be overridden in flashvars. The default value is true.
ShowSearch boolean Specifies whether to show the search section or not. Can be overridden in flashvars. The default value is true.
ShowTopPane boolean Specifies whether to show the whole top pane or not. Can be overridden in flashvars. The default value is true.
StartOpenLeftPane boolean Specifies whether to start with the opened left pane. Can be overridden in flashvars.
ViewerIncluded boolean Specifies whether the generated SWF document should include the integrated document viewer or not. The default value is true.
Value Description
Bottom Comments should be displayed at the bottom of pages.
None Comments should not be displayed at all. The default value.
Right Comments should be displayed to the right of pages.
Value Description
BottomFull Notes should be fully displayed using additional pages when necessary.
BottomTruncated Notes should be displayed on a single page.
None Notes should not be displayed at all. The default value.

TIFF Options

Name Type Description
Compression CompressionEnum Specifies a compression type.
DpiX integer Specifies the horizontal resolution in dots per inch.
DpiY integer Specifies the vertical resolution in dots per inch.
SlidesLayoutOptions SlidesLayoutOptions Specifies slides layout options.
PixelFormat PixelFormatEnum Specifies a pixel format for the generated images.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.
Value Description
Bottom Comments should be displayed at the bottom of pages.
None Comments should not be displayed at all. The default value.
Right Comments should be displayed to the right of pages.
Value Description
CCITT3 Use the CCITT3 compression scheme.
CCITT4 Use the CCITT4 compression scheme.
Default Use the default compression scheme (LZW).
LZW Use the LZW compression scheme.
None Compression is not applied.
RLE Use the RLE compression scheme.
Value Description
BottomFull Notes should be fully displayed using additional pages when necessary.
BottomTruncated Notes should be displayed on a single page.
None Notes should not be displayed at all. The default value.
Value Description
Format1bppIndexed 1 bit per pixel, indexed.
Format24bppRgb 24 bits per pixel, RGB.
Format32bppArgb 32 bits per pixel, ARGB.
Format4bppIndexed 4 bits per pixel, indexed.
Format8bppIndexed 8 bits per pixel, indexed.

XAML Options

Name Type Description
ExportHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.

XPS Options

Name Type Description
DrawSlidesFrame boolean Specifies whether each slide is enclosed with a black frame or not.
SaveMetafilesAsPng boolean Specifies whether all metafiles used in a presentation should be converted to PNG images or not.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.

MD Options

Name Type Description
ExportType ExportTypeEnum Specifies markdown export type. Default is TextOnly.
Flavor FalvorEnum Specifies markdown specification to convert presentation. Default is MultiMarkdown.
NewLineType NewLineTypeEnum Specifies whether the generated document should have new lines of \r(Macintosh), \n(Unix) or \r\n(Windows). Default is Unix.
ImagesSaveFolderName string Specifies folder name to save images. Default is Images.
ShowSlideNumber boolean True if the generated document should include slide number.
ShowComments boolean True if the generated document should include comments.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean True if the generated document should include hidden slides.
Value Description
Sequential Render all items separately, one by one.
TextOnly Render only text.
Visual Render all items; render grouped items together.
Value Description
Github Github flavor.
Gruber Gruber flavor.
MultiMarkdown Multi markdown flavor.
CommonMark Common mark flavor.
MarkdownExtra Markdown extra flavor.
Pandoc Pandoc flavor.
Kramdown Kramdown flavor.
Markua Markua flavor.
Maruku Maruku flavor.
Markdown2 Markdown2 flavor.
Remarkable Remarkable flavor.
Showdown Showdown flavor.
Ghost Ghost flavor.
GitLab GitLab flavor.
Haroopad Haroopad flavor.
IaWriter IaWriter flavor.
Redcarpet Redcarpet flavor.
ScholarlyMarkdown Scholarly markdown flavor.
Taiga Taiga flavor.
Trello Trello flavor.
S9ETextFormatter S9E text formatter flavor.
XWiki XWiki flavor.
StackOverflow Stack Overflow flavor.
Default Default markdown flavor.
Value Description
Windows Windows new line - \r\n.
Unix Unix new line - \n.
Mac Mac (OS 9) new line - \r.

SlidesLayoutOptions Class

Below are the implementations of SlidesLayoutOptions class.


Name Type Description
CommentsAreaColor integer Specifies the color of the comment area. Applies only when comments are displayed on the right.
CommentsAreaWidth integer Specifies the width of the comment area in pixels. Applies only when comments are displayed on the right.
CommentsPosition CommentsPositionEnum Specifies the position of slide comments.
NotesPosition NotesPositionEnum Specifies the position of slide notes.
ShowHiddenSlides boolean Specifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.
Value Description
Bottom Comments should be displayed at the bottom of pages.
None Comments should not be displayed at all. The default value.
Right Comments should be displayed to the right of pages.
Value Description
BottomFull Notes should be fully displayed using additional pages as it is needed.
BottomTruncated Notes should be displayed on a single page.
None Notes should not be displayed at all. The default value.


Name Type Description
Handout HandoutEnum Specifies the position of slide notes.
PrintSlideNumbers boolean True to print the displayed slide numbers.
PrintComments boolean True to print the displayed slide numbers.
PrintFrameSlide boolean True to draw frames around the displayed slides.
Value Description
Handouts1 One slide.
Handouts2 Two slides.
Handouts3 Three slides.
Handouts4Horizontal Four slides horizontal.
Handouts4Vertical Four slides vertical.
Handouts6Horizontal Six slides horizontal.
Handouts6Vertical Six slides vertical.
Handouts9Horizontal Nine slides horizontal.
Handouts9Vertical Nine slides vertical.

cURL Example

Convert MyPresentation.pptx presentation to MyPresentation.pdf document. Draw a black frame around each slide. Set the quality for JPEG images to 90. The output PDF document must conform to the PDF/UA standard.

SDK Source

Using an SDK (API client) is the quickest way for a developer to speed up development. An SDK takes care of a lot of low-level details of making requests and handling responses and lets you focus on writing code specific to your particular project. The Aspose.Slides Cloud SDKs can be downloaded from the following page: Available SDKs

SDK Examples

Convert MyPresentation.pptx presentation to a PDF document. Draw a black frame around each slide. Set the quality for JPEG images to 90. The output PDF document must conform to the PDF/UA standard.