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Represents the options of saving .txt file.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
QuoteType String True False Gets or sets how to quote values in the exported text file.
Separator String True False Gets and sets char Delimiter of text file.
SeparatorString String True False Gets and sets the a string value as separator.
AlwaysQuoted Boolean True False Indicates whether always adding ‘"’ for each field. If true then all values will be quoted; If false then values will only be quoted when needed(for example, when values contain special characters such as ‘"’ , ‘\n’ or separator character). Default is false.
SaveFormat String True False
CachedFileFolder String True False
ClearData Boolean True False
CreateDirectory Boolean True False
EnableHTTPCompression Boolean True False
RefreshChartCache Boolean True False
SortNames Boolean True False
ValidateMergedAreas Boolean True False

Parent Name : SaveOptions