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       Represents display style of excel document,such as font,color,alignment,border,etc.            The Style object contains all style attributes (font, number format, alignment, and so on) as properties.            
Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
Font Class:Font True False Gets a object.
Name String True False Gets or sets the name of the style.
CultureCustom String True False Gets and sets the culture-dependent pattern string for number format. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned.
Custom String True False Represents the custom number format string of this style object. If the custom number format is not set(For example, the number format is builtin), "" will be returned.
BackgroundColor Class:Color True False Gets or sets a style’s background color.
ForegroundColor Class:Color True False Gets or sets a style’s foreground color.
IsFormulaHidden Boolean True False Represents if the formula will be hidden when the worksheet is protected.
IsDateTime Boolean True False Indicates whether the number format is a date format.
IsTextWrapped Boolean True False Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text within a cell is wrapped.
IsGradient Boolean True False Indicates whether the cell shading is a gradient pattern.
IsLocked Boolean True False Gets or sets a value indicating whether a cell can be modified or not.
IsPercent Boolean True False Indicates whether the number format is a percent format.
ShrinkToFit Boolean True False Represents if text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width.
IndentLevel Integer True False Represents the indent level for the cell or range. Can only be an integer from 0 to 250.
Number Integer True False Gets or sets the display format of numbers and dates. The formatting patterns are different for different regions.
RotationAngle Integer True False Represents text rotation angle.
Pattern String True False Gets or sets the cell background pattern type.
TextDirection String True False Represents text reading order.
VerticalAlignment String True False Gets or sets the vertical alignment type of the text in a cell.
HorizontalAlignment String True False Gets or sets the horizontal alignment type of the text in a cell.
BorderCollection Container True False
BackgroundThemeColor Class:ThemeColor True False Gets and sets the background theme color.
ForegroundThemeColor Class:ThemeColor True False Gets and sets the foreground theme color.