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Represents options of saving pdf file.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
DisplayDocTitle Boolean True False Indicates whether the window’s title bar should display the document title.
ExportDocumentStructure Boolean True False Indicates whether to export document structure.
EmfRenderSetting String True False Setting for rendering Emf metafile.
CustomPropertiesExport String True False Specifies the way CustomDocumentPropertyCollection are exported to PDF file.
OptimizationType String True False Gets and sets pdf optimization type.
Producer String True False Gets and sets producer of generated pdf document.
PdfCompression String True False Indicate the compression algorithm.
FontEncoding String True False Gets or sets embedded font encoding in pdf.
Watermark Class:RenderingWatermark True False Gets or sets watermark to output.
CalculateFormula Boolean True False Indicates whether calculate formulas before saving pdf file.The default value is false.
CheckFontCompatibility Boolean True False Indicates whether check font compatibility for every character in text. The default value is true. Disable this property may give better performance. But when the default or specified font of text/character cannot be used to render it, unreadable characters(such as block) maybe occur in the generated pdf. For such situation user should keep this property as true so that alternative font can be searched and used to render the text instead;
Compliance String True False Workbook converts to pdf will according to PdfCompliance in this property.
DefaultFont String True False When characters in the Excel are unicode and not be set with correct font in cell style, They may appear as block in pdf,image. Set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these characters. If this property is not set, Aspose.Cells will use system default font to show these unicode characters.
OnePagePerSheet Boolean True False If OnePagePerSheet is true , all content of one sheet will output to only one page in result. The paper size of pagesetup will be invalid, and the other settings of pagesetup will still take effect.
PrintingPageType String True False Indicates which pages will not be printed.
SecurityOptions Class:PdfSecurityOptions True False Set this options, when security is need in xls2pdf result.
desiredPPI Integer True False Set desired PPI(pixels per inch) of resample images and jpeg quality All images will be converted to JPEG with the specified quality setting, and images that are greater than the specified PPI (pixels per inch) will be resampled. Desired pixels per inch. 220 high quality. 150 screen quality. 96 email quality.
jpegQuality Integer True False Set desired PPI(pixels per inch) of resample images and jpeg quality All images will be converted to JPEG with the specified quality setting, and images that are greater than the specified PPI (pixels per inch) will be resampled. 0 - 100% JPEG quality.
ImageType String True False Represents the image type when converting the chart and shape .
SaveFormat String True False
CachedFileFolder String True False
ClearData Boolean True False
CreateDirectory Boolean True False
EnableHTTPCompression Boolean True False
RefreshChartCache Boolean True False
SortNames Boolean True False
ValidateMergedAreas Boolean True False

Parent Name : SaveOptions