

Represents the options for pagination.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
DefaultFont String True False When characters in the Excel are Unicode and not be set with correct font in cell style,They may appear as block in pdf,image.Set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these characters. If this property is not set, Aspose.Cells will use system default font to show these unicode characters.
CheckWorkbookDefaultFont Boolean True False When characters in the Excel are Unicode and not be set with correct font in cell style,They may appear as block in pdf,image.Set this to true to try to use workbook’s default font to show these characters first.
CheckFontCompatibility Boolean True False Indicates whether to check font compatibility for every character in text.
IsFontSubstitutionCharGranularity Boolean True False Indicates whether to only substitute the font of character when the cell font is not compatibility for it.
OnePagePerSheet Boolean True False If OnePagePerSheet is true , all content of one sheet will output to only one page in result.The paper size of pagesetup will be invalid, and the other settings of pagesetup will still take effect.
AllColumnsInOnePagePerSheet Boolean True False If AllColumnsInOnePagePerSheet is true , all column content of one sheet will output to only one page in result.The width of paper size of pagesetup will be ignored, and the other settings of pagesetup will still take effect.
IgnoreError Boolean True False Indicates if you need to hide the error while rendering.The error can be error in shape, image, chart rendering, etc.
OutputBlankPageWhenNothingToPrint Boolean True False Indicates whether to output a blank page when there is nothing to print.
PageIndex Integer True False Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to save.
PageCount Integer True False Gets or sets the number of pages to save.
PrintingPageType String True False Indicates which pages will not be printed.
GridlineType String True False Gets or sets gridline type.
TextCrossType String True False Gets or sets displaying text type when the text width is larger than cell width.
DefaultEditLanguage String True False Gets or sets default edit language.
EmfRenderSetting String True False
MergeAreas Boolean True False
SortExternalNames Boolean True False
UpdateSmartArt Boolean True False
SaveFormat String True False
CachedFileFolder String True False
ClearData Boolean True False
CreateDirectory Boolean True False
EnableHTTPCompression Boolean True False
RefreshChartCache Boolean True False
SortNames Boolean True False
ValidateMergedAreas Boolean True False

Parent Name : SaveOptions

Children Name : - DocxSaveOptions - PptxSaveOptions - XpsSaveOptions