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excel print page setting

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
BlackAndWhite Boolean True False Represents if elements of the document will be printed in black and white.
BottomMargin Floating True False Represents the size of the bottom margin, in unit of centimeters.
CenterHorizontally Boolean True False Represent if the sheet is printed centered horizontally.
CenterVertically Boolean True False Represent if the sheet is printed centered vertically.
FirstPageNumber Integer True False Represents the first page number that will be used when this sheet is printed.
FitToPagesTall Integer True False Represents the number of pages tall the worksheet will be scaled to when it’s printed. The default value is 1.
FitToPagesWide Integer True False Represents the number of pages wide the worksheet will be scaled to when it’s printed. The default value is 1.
FooterMargin Floating True False Represents the distance from the bottom of the page to the footer, in unit of centimeters.
HeaderMargin Floating True False Represents the distance from the top of the page to the header, in unit of centimeters.
IsAutoFirstPageNumber Boolean True False Indicates whether the first the page number is automatically assigned.
IsHFAlignMargins Boolean True False Indicates whether header and footer margins are aligned with the page margins. If this property is true, the left header and footer will be aligned with the left margin, and the right header and footer will be aligned with the right margin. This option is enabled by default.
IsHFDiffFirst Boolean True False True means that the header/footer of the first page is different with other pages.
IsHFDiffOddEven Boolean True False True means that the header/footer of the odd pages is different with odd pages.
IsHFScaleWithDoc Boolean True False Indicates whether header and footer are scaled with document scaling. Only applies for Excel 2007.
IsPercentScale Boolean True False If this property is False, the FitToPagesWide and FitToPagesTall properties control how the worksheet is scaled.
LeftMargin Floating True False Represents the size of the left margin, in unit of centimeters.
Order String True False Represents the order that Microsoft Excel uses to number pages when printing a large worksheet.
Orientation String True False Represents page print orientation.
PaperSize String True False Represents the size of the paper.
PrintArea String True False Represents the range to be printed.
PrintComments String True False Represents the way comments are printed with the sheet.
PrintCopies Integer True False Get and sets number of copies to print.
PrintDraft Boolean True False Represents if the sheet will be printed without graphics.
PrintErrors String True False Specifies the type of print error displayed.
PrintGridlines Boolean True False Represents if cell gridlines are printed on the page.
PrintHeadings Boolean True False Represents if row and column headings are printed with this page.
PrintQuality Integer True False Represents the print quality.
PrintTitleColumns String True False Represents the columns that contain the cells to be repeated on the left side of each page.
PrintTitleRows String True False Represents the rows that contain the cells to be repeated at the top of each page.
RightMargin Floating True False Represents the size of the right margin, in unit of centimeters.
TopMargin Floating True False Represents the size of the top margin, in unit of centimeters.
Zoom Integer True False Represents the scaling factor in percent. It should be between 10 and 400.
Header Container True False Represents the page header.
Footer Container True False Represents the page footor.
link Class:Link True False

Parent Name : LinkElement