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Represents a list object on a worksheet. The ListObject object is a member of the ListObjects collection. The ListObjects collection contains all the list objects on a worksheet.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
AutoFilter Class:AutoFilter True False Gets auto filter.
DisplayName String True False Gets and sets the display name.
StartColumn Integer True False Gets the start column of the range.
StartRow Integer True False Gets the start row of the range.
EndColumn Integer True False Gets the end column of the range.
EndRow Integer True False Gets the end row of the range.
ListColumns Container True False Gets ListColumns of the ListObject.
ShowHeaderRow Boolean True False Gets and sets whether this ListObject show header row.
ShowTableStyleColumnStripes Boolean True False Indicates whether column stripe formatting is applied.
ShowTableStyleFirstColumn Boolean True False Indicates whether the first column in the table should have the style applied.
ShowTableStyleLastColumn Boolean True False Indicates whether the last column in the table should have the style applied.
ShowTableStyleRowStripes Boolean True False Indicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
ShowTotals Boolean True False Gets and sets whether this ListObject show total row.
TableStyleName String True False Gets and sets the table style name.
TableStyleType String True False Gets and the built-in table style.
DataRange Class:Range True False Gets the data range of the ListObject.
DataSourceType String True False Gets the data source type of the table.
Comment String True False Gets and sets the comment of the table.
XmlMap Class:XmlMap True False Gets an used for this list.
AlternativeText String True False Gets and sets the alternative text.
AlternativeDescription String True False Gets and sets the alternative description.
link Class:Link True False

Parent Name : LinkElement