

Allows to specify options when rendering worksheet to images, printing worksheet or rendering chart to image.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
TextCrossType String True False TextCrossType
GridlineType String True False GridlineType
OutputBlankPageWhenNothingToPrint Boolean True False
CheckWorkbookDefaultFont Boolean True False
DefaultFont String True False
IsOptimized Boolean True False
PageCount Integer True False
PageIndex Integer True False
IsFontSubstitutionCharGranularity Boolean True False
Transparent Boolean True False
OnlyArea Boolean True False
SVGFitToViewPort Boolean True False
EmbededImageNameInSvg String True False
AllColumnsInOnePagePerSheet Boolean True False
PrintWithStatusDialog Boolean True False
HorizontalResolution Integer True False
VerticalResolution Integer True False
DefaultEditLanguage String True False DefaultEditLanguage
TiffColorDepth String True False ColorDepth
TiffCompression String True False TiffCompression
PrintingPage String True False PrintingPageType
Quality Integer True False
ImageType String True False ImageType
OnePagePerSheet Boolean True False
TiffBinarizationMethod String True False ImageBinarizationMethod